In the silence I find my Life.

There is an inner insistence toward wholeness and it is this that the moment, the experience of quiet, announces.
~Howard Thurmon, Meditations of the Heart

This I know. In the silence is the peace of the Heart. That Peace is God. That peace is my peace. In the quiet I find my self. The purity of spirit is the essence which God in me. This is my wholeness. As I move into that place, I know that I am more, because I AM. In everything I do, I AM. In the I AM I am whole. I can be no less than that which I AM.

As I know this for me, I know that this is not only my truth, but the truth of all sentient beings. I know that there is no thing that has power greater than I AM, and in that place of unity, there is no other than I AM. Father, Mother, brother, daughter, all are One, and all are Whole.

In gratitude, I give in and allow my good to surround me, envelop me, and take me to my place of bliss and perfection. From here I just sit in silence. Knowing the work is done. I am complete.
and so it is.