Learn to play the hand that’s dealt you.

“When you believe that your problem is caused by someone or something else, you become your own victim.”
– Byron Katie

dealing-cards-250Every Day we make choices. Those choices have consequences. They may be good or they may be bad. Where we seem to fall short is when our choices go bad.

That’s when we seem to start the blame game. It wasn’t my fault, it was so-and-so’s. Or, the tool was faulty or the engine hesitated, or whatever. Much of the time we are unwilling to admit that we were somehow responsible for our own failure in some way.

While it may be true that another was involved in the mistake we made, we were the ones that used someone else’s judgment as our own, so we need to accept at least some responsibility for the outcome. Heck, we tend to take all the credit when something does work.

Then there are times when something happens that is completely outside our control. What do we do then? Another person or thing may be at fault, which may be the truth, but we don’t have to get stuck in that story and put our life on hold or give up on life. We can accept that something has happened and make a conscious choice to move on. Soldiers get injured and choose to move on and have a normal life. People lose money to bad investments and move on with their lives. The difference between those who do and those who don’t move on is, those who move on make a conscious choice to not let the incident define them. Therefore their life doesn’t get put on permanent hold so they can continue to live their story.

Sometimes people lose this perspective and life goes on without them.

Is it an easy thing to do, to move on? In many cases, depending on the severity of the loss, No! There is always a period of grieving when there is loss, whether we realize it or not. We need to give ourselves permission to grieve, allowing ourselves time to release the guilt, or anger we have with the incident. But then, we need to find some way, whether we call it inner reflection, or prayer or spending time with a professional or group for healing.

In that healing, we learn to release the hold these ideas of disability that have clouded our reasoning and held us up from enjoying life. And really, it is our own mind that has held us captive and imprisoned us in the idea that we are less than, or don’t deserve something.

Why do we do that? Ego! It’s the thing that keeps us from hurting ourselves and doing things that are not in “its” best interest. It also keeps us from being the very best version of ourselves that we can be. Ego doesn’t like to accept responsibility for anything that doesn’t bode success for us. Oh, and there are no good or bad choices, just choices.

But that’s another story for another time.

from Love, in Peace,


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online

You are Powerful Beyond Your Dreams

“It is our choices…that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities”

– J. K. Rowling

the-thinkerIt’s funny actually how much truth there is in this. At any given time our abilities have the potential of holding us back from attaining our dreams and thoughts of what we can be.

If I was to count the times I started a new business instead of just continuing to work for someone else, I’d probably still be working in a bank helping little old ladies try to understand why the interest in their savings accounts didn’t agree with what they had figured it to be.

That sort of goes hand in hand with the comment “I’m too old to learn something new!”

In either case, to me, that just tells of laziness and lack of imagination. In most cases it’s not the individual’s fault. Most people who fall into that category are just products of their growth environments. They have either had their power taken away or they gave it away for whatever reason.

It’s said that there are leaders and there are followers, but I believe that we all have the potential to be leaders or to “live in our own power,” if we are willing to learn to develop that power. Power, to me, is not controlling others, although it surely seems to be to some degree. Power is the ability to see in your mind what you want to do or be, and then take the steps necessary to attain that.

To that end, personal power and spiritual power are the same. If you are willing to consciously make the choices to have your life unfold as you wish it to, then you are no longer being influenced by others. You have taken back your power.

Now is the time for you to take back your power. Now is the only moment that exists. Your past is history and doesn’t have any power unless you give it power. You can change the story of your life, but you must be willing to leave the old one in your past, and build something completely new. Just let go of the story and start a new one.

I know I make it sound easy and it is, but it can be the most difficult first step you can ever take. There are so many “what ifs” we like to just throw out there, to which we can and do, more often than not, give over our life to, instead of taking charge and directing it by our actions.

Do it anyway! There are so many good things that can happen by taking the first step. And, if you need help, there are any number of ordinary people around who can help teach you to trust in Y-O-U.