Chaos is No-thing wanting to be something.

Huge Tidal wave with man“Staring down Chaos, we can recognize that there is no space, no ease, no footing in it.”
-Kathleen Dowling Singh, The Grace in Aging

Chaos. What is it that creates this state in our lives? Mostly, it’s from us giving our power away. When we have lost our direction, our purpose, and start giving in to all the multitude of external and contradictory data, stories and uninformed comments, this confusing cacophony of misinformation can disorient us, if we don’t pull back from it.

We should instead, listen to that guide within us that helps us make our own, informed decisions based on an intuitive knowing from empirical data we have filtered through our own lens of life.

Living in chaos, is like trying to build a house on quicksand. There is no solid footing on which to build and we constantly sink back into the mire, into the chaos. It gets down to one thing; Love.

It always seems to return to this. Love is the only thing upon which to build your life. When you love you, when you accept you with all your seeming imperfections (individualized perfections), you can weather any storm. There is nothing you can’t move beyond. You look at your life, taking responsibility for everything in it, realizing that missteps aren’t the end, but the start of a new beginning.

When Edison created the light bulb, he made thousands of missteps before he finally found the right combination of elements to give a stable platform to light the bulb reliably and consistently. Because he trusted and believed he could, he achieved it. There was no chaos to him, only a knowing that he had within himself the power to create this.

Love jumpstarts that creative process.

~rev jim

Take your head out of your past!

Most of the time, we think of death as being the end of life. The definition for rebirth is “to be born again!” Put the two together, dying to the old” and “born again,” and you have what many evangelicals refer to as being “Born again.”

I think of being born again as being a daily event at the very least. Every day of our life we have “stuff” happen in our lives, which offer us an opportunity for growth. The good things we want to grow, and the bad things we want to go away. The good things carry us on a high, until we hit a wall. When the bad happens, we tend to hold on to it, where we shall under just shake it off, and oft times we allow it to become our story, the reason that thing didn’t work. We then wallow in that place and use it as a bragging point as to why we shouldn’t continue trying to achieve that or something even better. “The pain just isn’t”t worth it! It ruined my life. I’ll never be the same again. I am a failure!”

Have you ever heard that? People give up for no good reason at all. Imagine if Thomas Edison had given up on creating the light bulb! It took him thousands of attempts to create it, but he didn’t give up. In the same way, at one point in my life after I had become self employed I thought, “I could make a lot more money going back to banking!” I even went as far as to schedule a couple of job interviews and even went to one of them. It was while I was in the first interview that I realized why I had become self employed in the first place, and really redoubled my efforts to make my business work! All that it took was to “take my head out of my past” and bring it back to the present moment and do the work. With that, the work became fun and the chore was no more! I had been born again! Woo-hoo!

It was at that point that one more piece of my spiritual puzzle began to make sense. It was at that point that I realized (again) that I wasn’t at the effect of some external force, some external power, but that there was within me a power that if directed to a purpose, activated and became my life experience.

The “God in me” expressed in, through, and as me. IT created as me the new experience I wanted in my life and has pretty much, ever since. When I don’t experience something after really working it, I try it differently, or something else.

What about you? Are you happy with your story, or are you open to a new experience? Better now than later!

from Love, in Peace,

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Are Your Needs Being Met, Spiritually?

team-spirit-2447163_640A friend just confided that hers were no longer being met with the community she was involved in. There are so many things we get from and expect of community. Number 1 is like-minded people. What is that?

People who have similar wants, needs and desires, spiritually and, and in most cases, business and personally. Most people want the camaraderie of those who can uplift and challenge them to be their highest and best. Who doesn’t?

We all need a friend when we’re down or someone to share our uplifting moments with. We need people to laugh with, to cry with, and because we’re communal animals, we just need to be around others who operate in the same vibration we do.

Spiritually, we may want to pray with someone, or just brainstorm some business ideas with them.

While there is no real replacement for physical community, if that is not an option, I highly recommend you find something. If you are at all tech savvy today, and the requirements aren’t that “techy,” I highly recommend you find even an online community that you can interact with. There are many “Virtual” churches and spiritual out there. Check us out, if nothing else is working for you.

from Love, in Peace,

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

How do you end your day?

bloodshotMany times, how you end your day will determine how your next day begins. Did you go to bed last night with unresolved issues? Were you still upset about something that happened earlier in the day? Forgiveness, for yourself or another, can go a long way towards giving yourself a peaceful night’s sleep and putting you in a place of peace as you arise in the morning and get ready to take charge of the day.

from Love, in Peace,

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider