#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
I can also work consciously to change the things that don’t work for me.
#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Karma, whatever you call it, it is. It can be said in many ways.
If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
It is done unto you as you believe.
What goes around, comes around.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Some of these are reflections of how we should act naturally, while others are phrases describing what happens when you do something that is perceived as bad by society. However you phrase it, it is the the repercussions of an action taken.
The karma itself is the personal heaven or hell you ultimately create for yourself by not being in alignment with your highest purpose.
Each of us has an opportunity to react or respond to the circumstances of the moment.
~ jim
I shared this phrase not long ago online and was called “Satan Spawn.” I found that curious and somewhat perplexing from a Christian, as the God of the Christians into which I was born, evolved from the God of the Hebrews, and their God and the Bible stories evolved from the God of the Assyrians, and the God of the Muslims evolved through the same texts also. In fact our Bible in its present form was the product of the Council of Nicea, called by Emperor Constantine to bring all the minor Essene sects together as one under one religion governed by his empire. Religion has always been about control, not about the God of a religion. Religious differences and ambiguities have been the impetus for countless wars since man began to form tribes and socio-economic groups. Muslims, Jews, Protestants and Catholics, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and others: religion still pervades governments and drives divisions within governments.
Fortunately for the world, as the centuries go by, ignorance and smallness has given way to reason, and the divide is shrinking as religious zealots become fewer and fewer. When will the many names for God be universally accepted by all? Maybe, when greed and self-aggrandizement no longer hides behind its moniker.
Does what you ignore allow you to live a happier more productive life?
rev jim
What is the Christ Consciousness? What does it mean to me? What can it mean for you in your life?
To me it is God Consciousness. It is the recognition of God in and as me, and in and as my life. It is the personification of living the teachings of Jesus. It is about me, living my life as the incarnation of the Divine each of us can be, while on this plane. It is about me doing good, and seeing good in everything I do. It is about not judging others, and knowing everyone is trying to do the best they can with what they have. It is about me taking the high road when confronted with choices or challenges. It is about loving my neighbor and about turning the other cheek. It’s about living our humanity AND our divinity. It’s about following my heart, not necessarily my head. And it is about living my life in love, in peace, and in joy! It is about Loving myself first, and enough, that I can love others. It is about knowing that , just as the lilies of the fields hall not want or need anything, neither do I, because God, or Spirit, or Source Energy, or whatever you choose to call it, provides me with all my needs. It is about being open to accepting all the good that is being sent in my direction and accepting it graciously and with a grateful heart.
And ultimately, it is about doing all of this without even having to think about. It’s about this just being me.
~rev jim
Often, people say don’t accept hope as a possibility, because it is also trusting in the alternate, the possibility that what we are hoping for won’t happen. I don’t put a lot of faith in this idea.
I believe that beyond all doubt, Hope “of achieving something” is moving in the right direction. To have hope IS a positive movement in consciousness. It is a starting point. While it may be difficult to “Know” you are the manifestor of your good, because you are an individualization of the Divine and your thoughts create your reality, it is possible to hope that your desire can come forth, because you believe it might. It’s a starting place, and once you have one realization, it becomes easier to believe it can happen again. When it does, it can then happen again. At this point, it becomes less about hope and more about “Knowing the truth of yourself as a participant in your future.” It is less about being at the affect of the world and more about co-creating your world. What do you hope for?
~rev jim
When we still your thoughts, we make room for Spirit or God, the Presence, to be recognized within us. It is always there, but most of the time we are so busy with busy-ness that we don’t notice. By being in the moment we allow our thoughts to fall away and we shed the façade that ego superimposes on us we move into our more authentic self.
2) Become the Observer
With ego out of the picture, we have the ability to become the observer of our thoughts and the world. As the observer, we are no longer judging ourselves or our situations, and we can see everything as just actions. These products which move before us are now available for us to choose from. We can then make our choices from a non-judgmental place. We make our decisions from a place of observations rather than reaction.
3) Make Responsible Choices
As we make our decisions from the non-judgmental place of observer, our choices become authentic choices we can live with. From here, we can accept responsibility for these actions and know we have made responsible choices.
~rev jim
Everything we do, everything we engage in, is a choice for each of us. How we act. How we “re-act.” Who we choose to be with. What we wear. What we read. Nobody has put a gun to our head to help us “choose” and no one is going to take responsibility for the things we do.
Life is about choices. We make them every day from the time we get up in the morning until we doze off at night. How we show up when we make these choices defines who we are. There are consequences to all of our choices, some we perceive as good and some bad. Some consequences are immediate, some are not so obvious.
When we make a choice and accept our part in it, we never have to be worried about being caught in a lie. When we don’t, we risk our actions taking on a life of their own and growing into something bizarre. Truth is always the best path, though it may not sometimes seem that way.
~ rev jim