What Lies Within You?

Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you. No one else can bring you news of this inner world.
—John O’Donahue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “what lies outside you matters little to what lies within you.”

lovepowerThere are few in the world that really get this. Said differently in all the religious faiths, by primarily the outliers or esoteric of the religious beliefs, those mystics have recognized that God, Spirit, Divine Mother-Father, Wakan Tanka, or whatever you choose to call It, is the energy behind all that exists. It (God) adds order to what would otherwise be an unordered universe. We, as humans, have the power to make decisions that affect our lives immediately. We also have power to excel and grow, succeed and thrive, limited only by our own willingness to give away that power to others or have it taken away by those who would disenfranchise those they find different by ethnicity, culture, or Religious beliefs, to name a few.

They can never take away power from people in these disenfranchised groups, if these individuals aren’t willing to give up their power. This is evidenced by men such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. These men have been major voices for equality and peace for all peoples in spite of major campaigns to discredit or silence them.

They are equally flanked by powerful women like Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks and many others throughout history who put their lives at risk to fight for equality in their own right.

Try as they might, the powerful white men of history have always been unable to silence these powerful people of history. They could diminish their power somewhat by their control of the press and media and by silencing them with incarceration or death, but their spirit always lived on in others, and their banner was picked up and the struggle has always continued.

Now, white men are either claiming they have been misunderstood or maligned, but there is no place their lust for power and control over others can be misinterpreted. They, and as a white man I should probably say WE, have been responsible for most or all of the ills that exist in the world today. We are responsible for annihilation of entire peoples, all the wars in the world, the enslavement of many worlds of peoples, and for keeping peoples around the world in poverty, while they wallow in mountains of money that have kept themselves untouchable and uncaring for millennia.

Most of these men have claimed to be Christians, but as such have ignored, and flaunted their hypocrisy of the Golden Rule, the basic tenet of all spiritual philosophies, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” They have ignored Jesus’ tenet, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” They have also cast aside his words to, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. They don’t understand the historical context of the phrase, “to one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also.” They think it means to be submissive.

So, what does this say of the inner world, the soul upon which we base our good? It speaks volumes to how the world looks today and to the differences in the ways people respond or react to challenges. By in large, men still focus on “might” with those who challenge them, where women use logic, and their more sublime power of numbers to assert a greater influence. They speak from love, rather than what their money can buy.

Ultimately, this will make all the difference, because “Love conquers all.”

The Circle of Life

treeoflifeThe risen Christ is the standing icon of humanity in its full and final destiny.
He is the pledge and guarantee of what God will do with all our crucifixions.
~from Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation 4.1.18

It is with hope that we are able to move beyond all of the desperate, fearful moments of our life. It is in these times that our faith carries us above any hurtful residues of the past that, without forgiveness, paralyze us and hold us in that story.

Just as, in the story of Jesus, he forgave all those who judged him, conspired against him and thought to bring finality to his life through forgiveness of ourselves and others, we can move out of our old ideas of living and into a new idea for ourselves, and a new paradigm of living consciously and fearlessly. In knowing and taking back our spiritual power, nothing can deter us on our path. Our spiritual path can only be changed by us, because it is not only unique to us individually, but because that path and our beliefs and faith are internal and unseen by others in its full color spectrum.

We are born to “boldly go” where no other person has ever before been. As our paths cross those of others, they have the potential of strengthening each other’s path in previously unknown ways yielding new directions, new challenges and new awakenings, until we come full circle to our beginnings once again.

This circle of life is best served allowing ourselves to move ever forward with the flow of life, instead of pushing against it, just as it is easier to paddle a canoe downstream than to paddle upstream.

~rev jim

What if

what-if42818What if life actually worked for you.
What if you didn’t have to be at the affect me of the world?
What if you didn’t have to be a victim?
What if you could let go of the story that you created of victim hood?
What if there is a power in the universe that wants you to succeed?
What if everything you ever wanted is there for your asking?
What if you are the only one keeping you from having all that you desire?
What if success is simply having the willingness to allow it in your life?
What if refocusing your attention was all you need to do to set a new intention?
What if you are awesome?
What if you could allow yourself o believe that?
What if you could allow yourself to believe that you are not your story?
What if your story was just a historical reference showing you how you got to where you are, but had nothing to do with where you are going?
What if you determine your life by the way you think about it?

Life gives you what you put into it.

What if you believed this?

-rev jim


The company we keep

burning-bridges1We often, in spiritual community, speak of being with like-minded people.

The question becomes, “what makes someone a like-minded person?”

My definition may be different from other peoples or even yours. To me, “like minded people are those I can communicate with. We don’t communicate with everyone we speak with. We may speak to some. We may talk at them. We may react to something they say, but we don’t accept them as like minded. Why? Because they don’t have anything in common with us that we can agree upon.

Why is that? Maybe we are unwilling to really “hear” their point of view or ask why they have that point of view, or even to see beyond their point of view. Another possibility is that there is some common ground, as there usually is, but we haven’t dug deeply enough to find it. Maybe they pushed a button that doesn’t allow us in the moment to see a common point. You can revisit the conversation in the privacy of your own mind after you cool off, if you don’t burn the bridge.

Or, just maybe, you have grown so much or so far apart that there is no common ground anymore. Sometimes we just outgrow another. It’s not good or bad, it just is.

So, if you’re grieving the loss of a friend, just be sure your decision is a sound one, or don’t burn your bridges. True friends are hard to find.

Staying in Pain-Stuck in the Mud

stuck-in-mudThis is something we say we don’t want ever, yet we seem to not be willing to let go of our stories easily. “He did this to me and my life is over” or “she/he cheated on me and I’ll never find another love” or “the bank turned down my loan, and now I’ll be ruined!” We create unnecessary pain for ourselves by wallowing in our stories and making the story our life, when it’s only a single incident, or moment that we can easily move beyond by letting go of that story.

When we stick our foot in the mud, we can’t remove it fast enough, even to the point of releasing our shoe to get unstuck. Why is it so hard to release our old life, if it isn’t serving us? Think about how much happier we could be, or about how much more prosperous we could be by finding new things that would serve us better. We say it’s fear of the unknown, but when the known isn’t working, why not embrace a change?

I recently picked up a couple of hitchhikers and in our conversation they shared they had been living in the woods for six years and had finally scored a camper to live in, but had no place to set it up to live in, so they continued to live in the woods, pick up odd jobs, when available, and move forward optimistically with their lives. They haven’t given up even though their location would seem to make advancing difficult. The word failure wasn’t in their vocabulary. There was no judgment in their voices, nothing holding them back, but there they are embracing the possibility that life will offer them something more than they have right now.

So, what are we afraid of? Reach out for what you want. If it’s not right for you, you can always change!

from Love, in Peace,


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