Mystics as Mentors- Our First Class

Mystics as Mentors is our first online course offering at Spirit Education!

unitiveRev. Mary Altalo, PhD, RScP, who was a Marine Biologist and college professor in a former life, has developed a series of courses called “Mystics as Mentors: Journeys into Unitive Consciousness.” The first in the series is based on the work of the 1st century Mystics, Jesus, Thomas, Mary Magdalene, John and Paul.

Drawing on Ken Wilber’s integral theory and readings from Richard Rohr to illustrate how to see as the mystics saw, not from duality but from oneness. And that’s just in the first week.

There is so much here, I encourage you to go to the website, for more detail about this consciousness-raising course.

The course begins May 13, 2015, is 3 hours a week for 6 weeks, runs from 7pm to 10pm ET, and qualifies for 18 CEUs for Practitioners with your Senior Minister’s approval.  (What are CEUs?)

But wait! There’s more! If you use the coupon code “EB-MM-01” at checkout, you get $30 off the price of the course through May 5th. It’s going to be a great class. I hope you can join us. Please tell your ministers, Practitioners, and congregation.

Stay tuned for good things. . .


In case you haven’t heard, Spirit Education is going to be teaching some great courses here for you.

Whether you are looking for CEUs as a SOM Practitioner or just interested in working on your spiritual development, our teachers will have something you can grow your spiritual nature on. Dive deep into the writings of Jalāl ad-Dīn Rumi, the Persian Sufi mystic poet, or take a new look at your life by diving into the “Four Agreements” of don Miguel Ruiz.

We will be having courses for “Growing a healthy Center,” and an will have a weekly call-in study group on many different aspects of spirituality and spiritual practice.

I hope you are able to join us. You will find more information on the website at  #feedyourspirit  #Mysticsasmentors