The Company You Keep

crowdThis is often a very touchy topic, but I wouldn’t be me, if I wasn’t willing to put my foot in my mouth. Have you ever thought about how your friends or those around you affect your life, as in your thoughts, feelings and attitudes?

If you’ve been trying to change your life and how it’s working for you, one of the things you must change is all the negativity that goes on around you. The negative thoughts and feelings that they bring into their conversations and communications arouse certain negative vibrations which keep them where they are and ultimately help to create the chaos in their lives.

As you make that move to a more peaceful, productive, and loving life, these same vibrations can create confusion and block your transformation, as you become sucked back into their vibrational field. It can and is often a difficult thing to distance yourself from these vibrations, but it really is necessary to do to attain the new vibration you wish to attract.

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online
International Day of Peace Meditation September 21st
We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics October 4th

I am Held in the Hands of Grace

Grace-2What does this mean to me?

It means that whatever I do, wherever I am, God has my back.

It means that Spirit always watches over me. It means that if I get hurt, God will help to heal me, to reveal the truth of the moment to me. It means that, when I die, I may cease to exist on this plane, but I do not cease to exist. I will transcend death, just as Jesus transcended death. I know that I am always in the hands of grace, and it allows me to move through life with a light step, rather than the fear and worry that weighs so many down.

Grace is something we can practice all our lives. We don’t have to wait until the end is near. Life is so worth living without a heave heart, and without taking the burden of the world upon our shoulders.

That doesn’t mean we don’t care for others. It doesn’t mean we hold back our help. It means we can be compassionate without suffering, comforting without taking on another’s grief as our own. We can care for others without giving up our own joy for living.

From our joy for living, others are actually uplifted from their despair. And when we feel the pain of some suffering, the hands of grace surround us naturally, because that’s what karma does. What we give to others is returned to us.

Try it sometime. Show someone you care about them. Feel the love.

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online

Something to remember in life!


Also, to remember for The Grace in Aging class!

~revjim -Spirituality Online
#aworldthatworks  #need CEUs
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online at Spirit Education

Take charge of your life

The-path-you-chooseImagine if today you could start your life all over again and you knew everything you did today. What would you do given the circumstances of your former life, and all you knew that happened then? Would you start by taking your own advice, that advise that’s like a voice from within you? Or, would you listen to everyone around you who may be struggling, working hard and getting nowhere and think that is the way of it?

We have choices we make in every moment in which we are either responsible for every change we make or we give that power to someone else. If we listen to the thoughts of others instead of following our own advice, then we leave ourselves at the effect of external circumstances. If we take responsibility for our actions and our life going forward, then we can choose our direction, and even have a clue as to where to steer our course, if our initial one doesn’t work for us. Remember, attitude does play an important role in our changes. Whether you think you will fail or succeed, you are right!

~revjim -Spirituality Online

Hope as a Possibility

hopeOften, people say don’t accept hope as a possibility, because it is also trusting in the alternate, the possibility that what we are hoping for won’t happen. I don’t put a lot of faith in this idea.

I believe that beyond all doubt, Hope “of achieving something” is moving in the right direction. To have hope IS a positive movement in consciousness. It is a starting point. While it may be difficult to “Know” you are the manifestor of your good, because you are an individualization of the Divine and your thoughts create your reality, it is possible to hope that your desire can come forth, because you believe it might. It’s a starting place, and once you have one realization, it becomes easier to believe it can happen again. When it does, it can then happen again. At this point, it becomes less about hope and more about “Knowing the truth of yourself as a participant in your future.” It is less about being at the affect of the world and more about co-creating your world. What do you hope for?

~rev jim

I trust the process.

rock-balancing“We will never get anywhere unless we can accept the fact that politics is an inextricable tangle of good and evil motives in which, perhaps, the evil predominate but where one must continue to hope doggedly in what little good can still be found”.
-New Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton

Richard Rohr also talks about the complete person being beyond the “broken world” and, in a broader dialog, that without spirituality we are incomplete, not a whole person. This is a similar to what Thomas Merton speaks to in his writings about the whole person being a balance between the ego-driven human self and the spiritual, higher self.  Then we can see beyond the politics and we can go from “Who has the power here?” to, “How can I serve here?” First, we have to find ourselves and then we can be happy with whatever the world throws at us while asking “how can I help?”


What is the contemplative experience?

merton-to be“WE do not see God in contemplation—we know Him by love: for He is pure Love and when we taste the experience of loving God for His own sake alone, we know by experience Who and what He is.”  ~Thomas Merton, “New Seeds of Contemplation,” pg. 268

~rev jim  “New Seeds of Contemplation”
Online Spiritual Education
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