Would you rather be Right or be Happy?

Sometimes you manufacture scenarios and put them in your own way just to prove a point. It is as if you would rather be right than happy. When you catch yourself doing that stop and say, “This unpleasant thought is unnecessary.” Then choose one that feels better.

300happyWould you rather be Right or be Happy?

This thought has always made me laugh, because it is truly a no-brainier to me and and being happy is not mutually exclusive of being right. It does amaze me though how many people will go through life having to be right!

What does it get them, besides high blood pressure and and extreme stress. People get all worked up when their side of a story or their idea is not accepted as the truth. Everybody has an opinion and it is usually true to them. Politics is the perfect example. Each party takes credit for everything good that has taken place in the last ## of years, and blames the other party for everything wrong in those same years.And don’t get me started on what’s going on in this election year and who’s right or just not lying.

See, that’s what I mean. We start to blame. I’ve watched my friends get all worked up because the candidates on the other side are going to destroy the country! If one person in a country of 300 million can actually destroy us in a four year period or less, we’re already in such dire straits that there is no hope.

The truth is though, there is always hope.

The point is, if we would just agree with the person who has to be right or have no opinion , it knocks the wind out of their sails. There is nothing to debate or argue about. Nothing to defuse. And it doesn’t change your belief at all. You still believe X and they still believe Y. You have just allowed them to continue along their path without either antagonizing them or getting yourself all worked up, and it didn’t cost a thing.

Isn’t that so much easier and they don’t have a clue? Of course, if you have to try to win the “battle” by being right, that is your choice. Have at it.

~rev jim

I have challenges every day!

For the majority of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, jihad is a word that literally means “to struggle.” It’s a concept within Islam that represents a commitment to serve God, to be good to yourself and to your neighbors.
~ Carol Kuruvilla Associate Religion Editor, Huffington Post, 03-28-16

clip_image002I have challenges every day!

Struggling or having challenges in life is something we all face. We struggle with writing papers and articles, with taking tests, with driving in traffic, doing our jobs and many other tasks and relationships.

Just because we find ourselves in these very human modes, doesn’t mean we are going to go berserk or crazy. Sometimes it does, but in most cases we turn to a friend, or our version of God for help. We oft times turn to a higher sense of purpose within ourselves to give some perspective to our struggles. And, isn’t that key to our healing?

I joined a Medical Mission to Tanzania in Africa in 2007, and did a little research on the area and Africa in general before I embarked on the mission. I found the average earnings in Tanzania annually is $365. That’s a dollar a day. How many of us could live on a dollar a day in this country, or even $5 a day? Few of us I would guess. I remember being in my teens and reading all these articles of exploring Europe on $5 a day. But $1 a day, and many with families!

Muslims and Christians live together in peace in Tanzania, and religion is a large part of life. Yet, when I got there, while I saw dirt roads, and simple structures, I was amazed that the majority of the people that we treated were only grateful. Grateful for everything in their lives. I some cases their clothing was thread bare, but their spirits were always high. They were loving, warm, and outgoing, and the children were always curious. It didn’t seem like they even knew the word poor. They were living life! And, they addressed their challenges one at a time.

Are you grateful for where you are? Would you be willing to reach out to God when you are challenged?

~rev jim starke

I Move in the Direction of Living!

drive-fast-1-1255947It is through your exposure to life experiences that your expansion is born. And once expansion is born within you, you only feel good when moving in the direction of your expansion. That’s why holding yourself in opposition to your own expansion feels so bad.
—Abraham, Excerpted from: Phoenix, AZ on February 01, 2014/Daily Law of Attraction Quote from Abraham-Hicks.com (March 8th, 2016)


When I read this quote, I thought back on my life and all that brought me to where I am today. . . and I know that I am where I need to be in this moment. In, through, and as me, Spirit moves me. I quiet my mind and the space I create allows the inflow of God. As my breath slows and I begin to feel the pounding of my heart, I know I am present, and I am One with my creator, and I know that whatever you choose to call it, It is The ONE.

Knowing this, I know that all is well with the world, and I am Grateful. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you is my prayer, my request and my manifestation. I know that this is already done in Spirit, and as I AM One with all, and everyone with me. Thank you Spirit. I allow it to just flow in Its perfect way.

Amen . . .

rev jim starke
Spirit Education

Are you happy where you are?

balanceThere is a lot to be said for finding a new place to live. The problem, many times, is that we are moving to get away from something, and as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Wherever you go, there you are.”

What this meant for him was, when his wife died, he lost his faith and ran away from the truth of his wife’s death rather than confronting it, blamed it on God, and left his church, moved to France and found that his issue was still there with him. It was then that he realized he needed to not only allow himself to grieve, but to also confront the demons of his own making, in order that e could once again be happy and live his life as the uplifting, productive person he had always been before the tragedy.

I can understand where he’s coming from, because I have been on the same boat trying to get away, but I haven’t been able to get the boat to move, because I wasn’t dealing with life changing event. I wanted it to just go away, and of course it wouldn’t because I kept giving it life.

That realization alone is life changing.

If you can somehow be happy where you are, you can be happy anywhere. It will be at that moment that your life and location may reveal itself to you.

~rev jim
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The Joy really is in the Journey!

People say, “The joy is in the journey,” but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it’s all about —it’s not the completion of anything.
—Abraham, excerpted from the workshop: Chicago, IL on November 01, 1998

Wow! This has so hit home for me as developed my website for my first focus ministry., Spirit On The Road. And, literally it was a journey all over the eastern United States.

What I found out though, was that success isn’t always measured in dollars and cents. There are many facets to success. I experienced many of them along the way. There was a lot of travelling, which I did enjoy. I shared what I was doing with all the CSL communities along the way, and I met many wonderful people along the way. I cherished those years in my motor home. Ultimately, I was able to help a couple of spiritual seed groups get started, and introduced Science of Mind to a few communities that had been previously unserved.

As for it paying for itself, that never happened. It turned into an act of SEVA. That was ok, because I was fortunate enough to have a job that didn’t require a great deal of work during that period and still brought me a decent income.

I learned through this experience that the joy IS in the journey, not in the destination. Along the way I made many like-minded friends, and gave support to many who otherwise may have not been supported as they were. I visited a lot of new places to me, and experienced the diversity those areas offered.

~ rev jim
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You Create Your World

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
-James Allen

Have you ever noticed in retrospect that the things that have brought you through your journey to where you are right now were of your own making?

Think back to your thoughts leading up to an experience or situation. Did you have reservations as to the outcome of the event? Were you bubbling with expectation of a grand result? Were you blazé as to how the event unfolded?

I know in my life that my thoughts and expectations tend to show up as the out-picturing of my life experiences or are instrumental in the creation of my experiences.

Thoughts create. while they may not create the exact experience, it will tend to create the experience of your dominate thoughts.

Sometimes, in order to have the experience you desire, you need to let go of the how and the why.

When I was a carpenter in Puerto Rico, I gave my crew a task and told them how I wanted it done. They said, “No, that’s not how we don’t it. I tried to insist, but I realized I just had to let go and trust and, it didn’t work, we would do it my way. Suffice it to say, in their environment they’re way worked, and probably more easily than mine. If I hadn’t let go of the idea that my way was the only way, I wouldn’t have achieved the results I did in the time frame of the experience.

I had to let go of the idea that I was right! When I did the universe delivered the expected result.

Works for me! How about you?

~rev jim
Spirit Education