A Few Thoughts on Suffering

“Suffering is a law of life, and it is essential during this step to acknowledge our own pain or we shall find it impossible to have compassion for the distress of others.”  – Karen Armstrong, 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life

Suffering is a term I have always had trouble understanding. In my limited reading on Buddhism, I read a quote from somewhere, that “pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.” Since then I have heard many use suffering as justification of having that experience as their life.

It is my understanding that it is Buddhist in nature, but have found opposing thoughts on this in today’s negative climate. But, if you really think about it, there is a lot of truth in it.  Pain is a fact of life as we grow older, and few are exempt. We don’t normally define ourselves by our pain, but we usually define ourselves as suffering from pain or the state of the world or in some other way, which allows us to stay in this definition, rather than moving forward in life in spite of any pain we may feel.

When I was in Airborne training in the Army, I was in great shape, but there were many mornings that I had to move through the pain I would feel during a 5 mile run in uniform and combat boots. It was clear that I could move through the pain if I set my mind to it, but suffering would only have occurred if I had chosen to stop running and quit.

So, why do we choose to suffer?

In many cases, we choose to suffer, because, in our suffering, it becomes a way to define ourselves. Nothing else of note is going on for us, and suffering becomes the fact of our being, our reason to be. It becomes our story, just like being happy or successful! Most of the time we suffer not because we are in physical pain, but because we are not willing to let go of something in our past that would resolve itself in “self-forgiveness.” Instead of doing the necessary shadow work, looking into our darker side, we just try to forget about it, and for a while, the buried problem goes away, until something happens to trigger the issue and up it pops saying, “Hey, remember me?” Then, all of a sudden, we are not worthy again.

The only way to move away from suffering is to acknowledge our pain, physical or mental, and try to figure out why it still has a hold on us. If we truly want to identify as something other than our suffering, we can accept that we have pain and consciously choose that we no longer identify as a sufferer and identify ourselves as Jim or Jane or an internet marketer, a spiritual coach, or even a successful survivor of whatever we have transcended in our lives and live as such. 

-rev jim

Being “On Fire!”

Give a man a match and he’ll be warm for a night, set a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.
  ~Jed McKenna, The Theory of Everything

Have you ever been “On Fire?”

I don’t mean it in the literal way as in, as in being engulfed in a blaze. I mean it in the sense of, Have you ever felt that conviction that something had a higher purpose for you and you felt compelled to pursue this dream or vision you had?

Emmett Fox called it “your Heart’s Desire.” It’s more often referred to as “your passion.” When you’re passionate about something, it can be consuming, usually in a good way.

When you pursue your passion, you are seldom disappointed, and nothing can get in your way during that pursuit, because you are focused. Most often that focus is not on the completion, which may or may not be attainable, but on the joy it will give the individual or group you are directly or indirectly doing the work for.

I remember when I was a carpenter/contractor. Though I was building something, a room, a house, or a deck, the focus of my passion of creating something was less about the completion of the project, which of course was important to getting paid, but more about the joy the completed project would bring the client for years to come, and the look on their faces, when they saw the final result. That was my real payoff.

When I resigned from banking in 1978, I never did any job or made any career change because of money. I’m not sure I can even say that anything I’ve done since then was a job, because I loved all the things I did, and I didn’t do them for the money. I did them out of love for what I was doing, passionately creating! The money was a manifestation of the love I put into what I loved.

I guess I’ve always been “on fire.”


Staying in Pain-Stuck in the Mud

stuck-in-mudThis is something we say we don’t want ever, yet we seem to not be willing to let go of our stories easily. “He did this to me and my life is over” or “she/he cheated on me and I’ll never find another love” or “the bank turned down my loan, and now I’ll be ruined!” We create unnecessary pain for ourselves by wallowing in our stories and making the story our life, when it’s only a single incident, or moment that we can easily move beyond by letting go of that story.

When we stick our foot in the mud, we can’t remove it fast enough, even to the point of releasing our shoe to get unstuck. Why is it so hard to release our old life, if it isn’t serving us? Think about how much happier we could be, or about how much more prosperous we could be by finding new things that would serve us better. We say it’s fear of the unknown, but when the known isn’t working, why not embrace a change?

I recently picked up a couple of hitchhikers and in our conversation they shared they had been living in the woods for six years and had finally scored a camper to live in, but had no place to set it up to live in, so they continued to live in the woods, pick up odd jobs, when available, and move forward optimistically with their lives. They haven’t given up even though their location would seem to make advancing difficult. The word failure wasn’t in their vocabulary. There was no judgment in their voices, nothing holding them back, but there they are embracing the possibility that life will offer them something more than they have right now.

So, what are we afraid of? Reach out for what you want. If it’s not right for you, you can always change!

from Love, in Peace,


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Learn to play the hand that’s dealt you.

“When you believe that your problem is caused by someone or something else, you become your own victim.”
– Byron Katie

dealing-cards-250Every Day we make choices. Those choices have consequences. They may be good or they may be bad. Where we seem to fall short is when our choices go bad.

That’s when we seem to start the blame game. It wasn’t my fault, it was so-and-so’s. Or, the tool was faulty or the engine hesitated, or whatever. Much of the time we are unwilling to admit that we were somehow responsible for our own failure in some way.

While it may be true that another was involved in the mistake we made, we were the ones that used someone else’s judgment as our own, so we need to accept at least some responsibility for the outcome. Heck, we tend to take all the credit when something does work.

Then there are times when something happens that is completely outside our control. What do we do then? Another person or thing may be at fault, which may be the truth, but we don’t have to get stuck in that story and put our life on hold or give up on life. We can accept that something has happened and make a conscious choice to move on. Soldiers get injured and choose to move on and have a normal life. People lose money to bad investments and move on with their lives. The difference between those who do and those who don’t move on is, those who move on make a conscious choice to not let the incident define them. Therefore their life doesn’t get put on permanent hold so they can continue to live their story.

Sometimes people lose this perspective and life goes on without them.

Is it an easy thing to do, to move on? In many cases, depending on the severity of the loss, No! There is always a period of grieving when there is loss, whether we realize it or not. We need to give ourselves permission to grieve, allowing ourselves time to release the guilt, or anger we have with the incident. But then, we need to find some way, whether we call it inner reflection, or prayer or spending time with a professional or group for healing.

In that healing, we learn to release the hold these ideas of disability that have clouded our reasoning and held us up from enjoying life. And really, it is our own mind that has held us captive and imprisoned us in the idea that we are less than, or don’t deserve something.

Why do we do that? Ego! It’s the thing that keeps us from hurting ourselves and doing things that are not in “its” best interest. It also keeps us from being the very best version of ourselves that we can be. Ego doesn’t like to accept responsibility for anything that doesn’t bode success for us. Oh, and there are no good or bad choices, just choices.

But that’s another story for another time.

from Love, in Peace,


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online

Peeling away the layers

onion-peelWhen I’m peeling an onion, I often think about the phrase, “peeling away the layers,” which, of course, is what we do. I heard that often during my college career, again in my banking career, and even later, when I was a contractor, I used to peel back the layers of a house I was renovating to reveal the underlying skeleton of the structure to get a true picture of how to begin a project.

Now, when I’m speaking with a coaching client, I find myself listening while they peel back the layers of their life, so that we can find a point to build something new for them. Peeling away the layers is a process that is sometimes painful, but ultimately fulfilling, if you’re willing to stick with it, because it brings us back to ourselves. If we are willing to dive deeply into our problems, and do it objectively, and not assess blame to anyone, we may find freedom from whatever issues we may have had. When we do that, we create a void, which can be filled with something completely new.

It requires deep inquiry and a willingness to look at the times that were difficult as well as the times that were good. When you get back to the starting place where things started not to look so good, dig a little more to make sure that wasn’t just another effect of the original problem.

When you find that will you then be willing to make that change, to correct the original error and move into a new idea or direction for yourself? If you need help in finding the starting point or initial error, there are a variety of people you can speak with from spiritual or life coaches, to ministers and mental health professionals.

Change can only happen, if you’re willing to do the work. Are you ready?

from Love, in Peace,


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Are you a victim?

cannot change-DL

When something doesn’t seem to go the way you had thought it would, do you adjust and forge ahead, or do you succumb to victimhood.
You can move out of “your Story” and empower yourself by changing your course course slightly and moving ahead in a new direction.


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Embrace Life and Live It, No Matter What!

beyond-fearThis life is finite and goes from “dust to dust” as Kathleen Dowling Singh, the author of “The Grace in Aging” shares. She also calls it, “Diapers to diapers.” We can’t escape it. We can suffer through it or move beyond the fear, accept and embrace the period we have left to us, and live it to the fullest. Live beyond the fear of dying, of being in-valid. “To ripen into an elder, into a being that is more than simply elderly and more than only self, is a deliberate, thoughtful, sustained choice that arises from the intention to see things as they are.”


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th

Take charge of your life

The-path-you-chooseImagine if today you could start your life all over again and you knew everything you did today. What would you do given the circumstances of your former life, and all you knew that happened then? Would you start by taking your own advice, that advise that’s like a voice from within you? Or, would you listen to everyone around you who may be struggling, working hard and getting nowhere and think that is the way of it?

We have choices we make in every moment in which we are either responsible for every change we make or we give that power to someone else. If we listen to the thoughts of others instead of following our own advice, then we leave ourselves at the effect of external circumstances. If we take responsibility for our actions and our life going forward, then we can choose our direction, and even have a clue as to where to steer our course, if our initial one doesn’t work for us. Remember, attitude does play an important role in our changes. Whether you think you will fail or succeed, you are right!


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online