Our Spiritual Nature

Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you. No one else can bring you news of this inner world.

~ Anam Ċara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom


spi-natOur spiritual nature is an inextricable part of us. Yet, while we do not wear it on our sleeve, it does live within us and there is evidence of it all around us. Nature is all spiritual, because it never exists in opposition to the divine. Man is the only creature on earth that tries to defy nature, creating artificial substances and devices in an attempt to “cheat death,” part of the birth-death-rebirth cycle, which is common to all life.

We are the only creatures, that think ourselves to death. Rather than living in a flow, we create blocks of resistance, which cause us to become out of sync with the world around us. We are the only creatures on the planet that don’t give back to the earth in a natural way. We use, abuse, rape and pillage its natural beauty and resources and leave behind refuse that is indigestible and non-renewable.

Yet, if we just looked to the mystical roots of all of our religions or spiritual paths, we would find that if we did the inner work, spent time looking within ourselves, we would find all the answers to living a gloriously, happy life, that isn’t about consumption and destruction. We would find that whatever we do and whoever we are is enough. We would find that we don’t have to keep up with the Joneses, because we have already surpassed them in the only way necessary. We are happy with our life as it is.

When we are in the flow of life, we find that everything we need is already provided for us. Just as all of nature, unobstructed by man, receives everything it needs, we would receive all that we needed and more. The natural ecosystem is a phenomenally complex system, which provides what is necessary for life. When the system is attacked, it makes necessary corrections to bring itself back into alignment.

We can do the same thing with our lives. If we get out of alignment, we can change how we do things or think about things to bring ourselves back into alignment with life, and find ourselves happier, healthier and more energetic.

~rev jim

The Circle of Life

treeoflifeThe risen Christ is the standing icon of humanity in its full and final destiny.
He is the pledge and guarantee of what God will do with all our crucifixions.
~from Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation 4.1.18

It is with hope that we are able to move beyond all of the desperate, fearful moments of our life. It is in these times that our faith carries us above any hurtful residues of the past that, without forgiveness, paralyze us and hold us in that story.

Just as, in the story of Jesus, he forgave all those who judged him, conspired against him and thought to bring finality to his life through forgiveness of ourselves and others, we can move out of our old ideas of living and into a new idea for ourselves, and a new paradigm of living consciously and fearlessly. In knowing and taking back our spiritual power, nothing can deter us on our path. Our spiritual path can only be changed by us, because it is not only unique to us individually, but because that path and our beliefs and faith are internal and unseen by others in its full color spectrum.

We are born to “boldly go” where no other person has ever before been. As our paths cross those of others, they have the potential of strengthening each other’s path in previously unknown ways yielding new directions, new challenges and new awakenings, until we come full circle to our beginnings once again.

This circle of life is best served allowing ourselves to move ever forward with the flow of life, instead of pushing against it, just as it is easier to paddle a canoe downstream than to paddle upstream.

~rev jim

International Day of Peace

On September 21st, Spirit Education will be celebrating the United Nations International Day of Peace with an Online Meditation in ZOOM for just that, PEACE!

We need your prayers everyday for peace in these times, and with the efforts of A.G.N.T, the United Nations and millions around the world, we can make our voices known.

Join us online @6:55 pm Eastern or “in consciousness” for a half hour of prayer and meditation.

Spread the word and join us in this audacious quest for “A world that works for Everyone!”

Maximum online load of 100 peace, uplifted souls!

Space is available on a 1st come, 1st served basis, so try to be early.

For Info: and Zoom Meeting Access:  International Day of Peace Meditation September 21st


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