The light always shines…

light-shinesAs I sit here, having just completed God knows how many Sunday Meditations as Spirit Education, I continue to be immersed in Rev’s Christies Snow and Jack Fowler’s album, Melt into Nothingness. It seems to keep time to my heart and ground me to earth and spirit at the same time. It is in these melodic sounds of the Native American flute that I lose myself in the Divine. How could it be otherwise?

So, join me now, as we move deeper into the full expression of Spirit as the light seems to have left us in the East and moved ever westward as it encircles this big, blue marble suspended so divinely in the heavens.

Move within and connect your heartstrings to the murmurs of the Divine in the music. Allow, just allow the Spirit of the Christ Consciousness to be the lightness with which you are carried through the dark of night, and know that the light never dwindles or wanes, it only moves slowly, imperceptibly through the heavens, and peeks its head around the globe, even in the darkness by its pure and unrelenting, loving relationship with the moon, sharing that even in the darkest moments there is hope. Just as Jesus said, “I AM the light of the world,” so are we, each of us, a light unto the world.

As I begin to embrace this and dive into the depth of this statement, I know that I Am a blessing to the world. We are a blessing to the world. You are a blessing to the world.

Thank you Spirit for feeling I AM THAT I AM, and by the grace of God I am fulfilled and complete always.

Amen. And so it is.

Moving beyond fear!

What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion.”
― Sri Aurobindo

MoveBeyondFear“What do you think about that?”someone said to me, referencing something they had heard.
“I have no opinion, because I have no first hand knowledge of what happened,” says I.

Why do people expect you to jump into a conversation you have no first hand experience about? I have found over the years, at least for me, that supporting someone else’s thought becomes a brainless and uncaring act, unless I first know for myself what the many sides of an issue or thought represent and more importantly, where I stand on an issue, if I have a stand at all.

Most of the time I keep my opinions to myself, because I realize that my opinion normally represents a limited understanding of a complex problem, and, if I haven’t fully explored the many facets of a usually simple statement that has been queried, I am only reacting to it, not responding intelligently.

I have found reactions are usually made out of fear of losing something. People are living in such fear today; fear of bodily harm, fear of some right being taken away, fear of being deported, fear of being outed. Fear is a strong and very limiting emotion. It makes us do crazy and unimaginable things. There are people waste their entire lives, promoting promoting fear through words, violence, and making things up about others.

I remember when Hurricane Matthew was bearing down on us in 2016, the SJC Emergency Management Director came through on my cellphone screaming that I had to leave my house right now and evacuate or “I would die!”

I’ve lived through cat4 & 5 hurricanes in the Caribbean and Florida. I’ve been a contractor in both places and had major success in not just surviving hurricanes, but thriving during and after by assisting others. I would never put myself in an unreasonable risk situation. I’ve normally lived on islands where you couldn’t escape anyway, so you hunker down and pray for the best. Florida is no different. There’s no where to go, unless you leave many days before the track is even locked in by our weather guessers. And, as a contractor, I know that, if a building has been built to code, you may get wet, but are probably safe otherwise. If I hit the road, chances are I could end up riding the storm out in the Walmart parking lot in Palatka. Almost a been there, done that. That would be less fun than sitting in a foot of water saving what I can of my belongings.

Anyway, you get the point, fear is our worst enemy, and if we buy into it, we’re already lost. If we are reasonable and don’t allow fear to be our guide, the world really doesn’t look that bad. I approach incidents and situations on a one off. I trust until I’m shown someone or something is untrustworthy. I try not to judge by ethnicity, race, religious beliefs or social position, but I am sometimes ashamed of my behavior, and try to be better, when I catch myself.

There is no place in my life for hate. It only makes life a hell. I see so many people living their lives in a self-imposed hell today. I choose not to. Life in this body is too short. I learned a while ago, I’d rather be happy than right. That’s a story for another time.

-rev jim

What Lies Within You?

Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you. No one else can bring you news of this inner world.
—John O’Donahue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “what lies outside you matters little to what lies within you.”

lovepowerThere are few in the world that really get this. Said differently in all the religious faiths, by primarily the outliers or esoteric of the religious beliefs, those mystics have recognized that God, Spirit, Divine Mother-Father, Wakan Tanka, or whatever you choose to call It, is the energy behind all that exists. It (God) adds order to what would otherwise be an unordered universe. We, as humans, have the power to make decisions that affect our lives immediately. We also have power to excel and grow, succeed and thrive, limited only by our own willingness to give away that power to others or have it taken away by those who would disenfranchise those they find different by ethnicity, culture, or Religious beliefs, to name a few.

They can never take away power from people in these disenfranchised groups, if these individuals aren’t willing to give up their power. This is evidenced by men such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. These men have been major voices for equality and peace for all peoples in spite of major campaigns to discredit or silence them.

They are equally flanked by powerful women like Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks and many others throughout history who put their lives at risk to fight for equality in their own right.

Try as they might, the powerful white men of history have always been unable to silence these powerful people of history. They could diminish their power somewhat by their control of the press and media and by silencing them with incarceration or death, but their spirit always lived on in others, and their banner was picked up and the struggle has always continued.

Now, white men are either claiming they have been misunderstood or maligned, but there is no place their lust for power and control over others can be misinterpreted. They, and as a white man I should probably say WE, have been responsible for most or all of the ills that exist in the world today. We are responsible for annihilation of entire peoples, all the wars in the world, the enslavement of many worlds of peoples, and for keeping peoples around the world in poverty, while they wallow in mountains of money that have kept themselves untouchable and uncaring for millennia.

Most of these men have claimed to be Christians, but as such have ignored, and flaunted their hypocrisy of the Golden Rule, the basic tenet of all spiritual philosophies, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” They have ignored Jesus’ tenet, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” They have also cast aside his words to, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. They don’t understand the historical context of the phrase, “to one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also.” They think it means to be submissive.

So, what does this say of the inner world, the soul upon which we base our good? It speaks volumes to how the world looks today and to the differences in the ways people respond or react to challenges. By in large, men still focus on “might” with those who challenge them, where women use logic, and their more sublime power of numbers to assert a greater influence. They speak from love, rather than what their money can buy.

Ultimately, this will make all the difference, because “Love conquers all.”

As within, so without…

as-aboveThis phrase is Biblical in nature, or so I assumed. It turns out it’s a bit of Hermetic wisdom, or at least a paraphrase of “as above, so below…” It is still a great piece of wisdom to live by.

If you believe as I do that what you believe ultimately manifests in and as your life in one way or another, this phrase reinforces that premise. Sort of like the phrase “you are what you eat.” This of course means that if you eat until you drop, you get just that. Have you ever been to an “all you can eat” buffet? No only does the menu consist of a whole bunch of carbs, but so much of the menu is usually fried, which is also not good for you in excess. Have you ever seen anyone go to these buffets and only eat one plate?

Anyway, we all need to be mindful not only of what we eat, but also what we think. Our thoughts can be harmful to us. Depression is usually caused by our own thoughts or a continuing string of thoughts that create the downward spiral which puts us into a hole we can’t get out of by ourselves, if we’re not paying attention.

How can we keep this from happening? We need to pay attention to our thoughts. Be aware of what we are thinking and not dwell upon the things that we don’t want to have in our lives, whether they are people, places or things.

Are you paying attention?

~rev jim

Wholemaking through the “Eat, Pray, Love” Method of Jesus

jesus-mary1Everything that Jesus did, said or taught was meant to activate and actualize his experience of the Divine, of bringing Ultimate Reality to the physical plane, and to show us how to “become whole” when we enter Heart consciousness.
We are not Beings, we are “Becomings”
“We are not fatally flawed creatures, just incomplete.”
This is the message of healing, salvation, and freedom

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider


Allow the inflow of the new!

In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.
~ Howard Thurman

quietIn the quiet of your thoughts, have you ever noticed that there’s a certain knowing the comes to you, that a certain idea is brought forward in your mind, when you allow all things to just refresh themselves and you just release those things which no longer serve you.

It’s the same thing as when I have a problem I can’t solve and I just walk away from it, forget about it, then come back to it from a different perspective, from a different idea, or from different way of thinking and all of a sudden the answer appears from outside the confusion which was there in the beginning which was nonproductive and now there is the answer. It was so easy. I did not see it in the beginning and it suddenly appeared to me because I had a change of mind, a change of thought. I created a void, a place which allowed for the new thought to come into my life. I changed my despair to hope, my fear that there wasn’t an answer into the answer.

And at the same time I know that it wasn’t me the answer came from. It came through me from God, I cleared the way in my mind for the answer to be revealed to me. It was always there because God is always with us and as soon as I cleared the way it was revealed to me.

Next time something in your life seems to be troubling you, let go of it, walk away from it, forget about, it release it from your thoughts, release the idea and just find something else to do, then come back to it with a new mind, with a clear mind, and with a clear thought that the answer is there already and you’ll be surprised. It will be there.

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics begins  October 4th