#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
Grace in Aging class starts September 18th
#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
Grace in Aging class starts September 18th
#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
I can also work consciously to change the things that don’t work for me.
#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
What is the Christ Consciousness? What does it mean to me? What can it mean for you in your life?
To me it is God Consciousness. It is the recognition of God in and as me, and in and as my life. It is the personification of living the teachings of Jesus. It is about me, living my life as the incarnation of the Divine each of us can be, while on this plane. It is about me doing good, and seeing good in everything I do. It is about not judging others, and knowing everyone is trying to do the best they can with what they have. It is about me taking the high road when confronted with choices or challenges. It is about loving my neighbor and about turning the other cheek. It’s about living our humanity AND our divinity. It’s about following my heart, not necessarily my head. And it is about living my life in love, in peace, and in joy! It is about Loving myself first, and enough, that I can love others. It is about knowing that , just as the lilies of the fields hall not want or need anything, neither do I, because God, or Spirit, or Source Energy, or whatever you choose to call it, provides me with all my needs. It is about being open to accepting all the good that is being sent in my direction and accepting it graciously and with a grateful heart.
And ultimately, it is about doing all of this without even having to think about. It’s about this just being me.
~rev jim
We are always “in the presence.” What do I mean by that? Being a spiritual person, I believe in God. You can call it Buddha, Mohammed, Great Spirit, Elohim, Divine Source, universal Love, Source Vibration, Divine Impulse, the energetic vibration of the universe, self, or whatever works for you.
The problem is, as mere mortals with all sorts of “stuff” going on in our lives, both good and bad by our judgment, we tend to edge “The Presence” out in lieu of other more important or more pressing things. How strange…
What could be more important in our life than our health, prosperity and happiness? And what ultimately ensures this? Could it be our relationship with ourself? Isn’t the basis of a superior relationship with ourself, “Love?” And, if as Jesus says, “Seek the kingdom of God within you,” then, in order to “practice the presence,” we must first and foremost seek what we need within ourselves, by seeking our own counsel. When we seek our own counsel, we must discard all that does not equate with Love in order to “practice the presence.”
So, can we “practice the presence” all the time? Absolutely. As long as we are consciously “in love” we are ‘Practicing the Presence.” Try it some time, when all around you seems chaotic and crazy; just be.
~rev jim starke
www.spirit-edu.com/learn/ “New Seeds of Contemplation”
Online Spiritual Education
#peace #aworldthatworks
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
“the mere ability we human beings have to sing the praises of love and compassion is a most precious gift.”
-Dali Lama, Ethics for the New Millennium, Ch.5
As I facilitated a course based on the Dali Lama’s book, I saw this as a timely issue, because both ethics, and compassion are based in Love.
Without Love, we lack the ability to have empathy and therefore compassion. We live in relationship with others out of common needs and desires for ourselves and those around us. When we are separate from love, which starts with self-love, we can’t possibly care for others, because we live from fear. As we begin to accept ourselves as we are in the present moment, we move into that place of greater self-acceptance and love becomes an outer expression of that.
Then, as we open to a discourse with someone we don’t know without attaching labels, we tend to find commonality, and when that happens the separation dissolves and the ability to feel compassion for ourselves and others becomes a possibility.
from Love, in Peace,
~rev jim starke
www.spirit-edu.com/learn/ “New Seeds of Contemplation”
Online Spiritual Education
#peace #aworldthatworks
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
“In our creation, God asked a question and in our truly living; God answers the question.” ― Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation
In the silence, in that place between our thoughts, God is talking to us, telling us that our highest idea of good is what we could be doing.
This comes to us in contemplation. It most likely won’t come to us in guided meditation or in a conversation in a bar. It comes to us in the silence as we lose ourselves to God. As our mind begins to still itself and we don’t realize that we don’t even recognize our breathing, we may be in that place of direct connection with Spirit and the out-picturing of that experience may leave us with an idea of significant importance for us.
We just need to be aware and open to it.
~rev jim
www.spirit-edu.com/learn/ “New Seeds of Contemplation”
Online Spiritual Education
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
#peace #aworldthatworks