What Lies Within You?

Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you. No one else can bring you news of this inner world.
—John O’Donahue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “what lies outside you matters little to what lies within you.”

lovepowerThere are few in the world that really get this. Said differently in all the religious faiths, by primarily the outliers or esoteric of the religious beliefs, those mystics have recognized that God, Spirit, Divine Mother-Father, Wakan Tanka, or whatever you choose to call It, is the energy behind all that exists. It (God) adds order to what would otherwise be an unordered universe. We, as humans, have the power to make decisions that affect our lives immediately. We also have power to excel and grow, succeed and thrive, limited only by our own willingness to give away that power to others or have it taken away by those who would disenfranchise those they find different by ethnicity, culture, or Religious beliefs, to name a few.

They can never take away power from people in these disenfranchised groups, if these individuals aren’t willing to give up their power. This is evidenced by men such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. These men have been major voices for equality and peace for all peoples in spite of major campaigns to discredit or silence them.

They are equally flanked by powerful women like Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks and many others throughout history who put their lives at risk to fight for equality in their own right.

Try as they might, the powerful white men of history have always been unable to silence these powerful people of history. They could diminish their power somewhat by their control of the press and media and by silencing them with incarceration or death, but their spirit always lived on in others, and their banner was picked up and the struggle has always continued.

Now, white men are either claiming they have been misunderstood or maligned, but there is no place their lust for power and control over others can be misinterpreted. They, and as a white man I should probably say WE, have been responsible for most or all of the ills that exist in the world today. We are responsible for annihilation of entire peoples, all the wars in the world, the enslavement of many worlds of peoples, and for keeping peoples around the world in poverty, while they wallow in mountains of money that have kept themselves untouchable and uncaring for millennia.

Most of these men have claimed to be Christians, but as such have ignored, and flaunted their hypocrisy of the Golden Rule, the basic tenet of all spiritual philosophies, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” They have ignored Jesus’ tenet, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” They have also cast aside his words to, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. They don’t understand the historical context of the phrase, “to one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also.” They think it means to be submissive.

So, what does this say of the inner world, the soul upon which we base our good? It speaks volumes to how the world looks today and to the differences in the ways people respond or react to challenges. By in large, men still focus on “might” with those who challenge them, where women use logic, and their more sublime power of numbers to assert a greater influence. They speak from love, rather than what their money can buy.

Ultimately, this will make all the difference, because “Love conquers all.”

Who are we?

flag-stamp“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

When I was a kid, we used to say this every morning in school, and, for those New Englanders who grew up in the fifties and went home for lunch every day from elementary school and were lucky enough to watch Big Brother Bob Emery at noon, we toasted the then President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the American flag with a glass of milk. Then we had lunch and returned to school.

The “under God” was added one year after I began reciting the pledge, but because we have always been a nation of diverse faiths and numerous variations of a deity, we didn’t specify a particular religious institution or faith. In fact, the foundation of this nation was religious freedom, and, while there has unfortunately been discrimination against people and/or their religious beliefs, the clause “liberty and justice for all”, which references the constitutional rights of ALL our peoples, has always reigned supreme against any overt actions to the contrary.

So, how could we allow ourselves to come to this place where we ban whole countries access to experience what we have for so many years.

Are we going to allow our freedoms to be taken away? Make no mistake, these are OUR FREEDOMS that are being attacked and diminished!

Even more insidious is the fact that only Muslim countries in which the President’s companies don’t do business have been singled out. Worse yet is the fact that the Muslim countries that aren’t banned are the ones that most of the terrorists have come from.

Islam shares the same Old Testament that we do, with the addition of the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. It is a religion of Peace. It is founded in Love. Jesus is considered a teacher or prophet in Islam. It is the politicization of Islam, which foments war and hate, much in the same way the Christian Right in this country has politicized Christianity. Why are we not living by Jesus’ words and deeds as Christians?

The basic tenets of all religions are the self-discovery of our divinity and discovering love for all humanity, and learning how to become stewards for all its peoples and the planet.

When will we move beyond the love of money and power to begin to care for everyone? When will we begin to embrace our divinity, so that we can embrace our love for humanity as a nation and as a planet?


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What is Salvation?

993150_30225139“It is not only our hatred of others that is dangerous but also and above all our hatred of ourselves: particularly that hatred of ourselves which is too deep and too powerful to be consciously faced. For it is this which makes us see our own evil in others and unable to see it in ourselves.”
-New Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton

Long ago, I used to prayer to God to deliver me from evil. I never knew then that the deliverance was from my own self. As I move into union with my higher self, I hold the memory who I thought I was to keep centered on my journey to wholeness.

#spirit-edu.com  #aworldthatworks

While we are working to save and restore Mother Earth, Let us not forget Black Lives Matter

I saw this video this morning and just had to share its Truth.

The video is entitled Your Brain on Drug Policy and it tells a serious inequity in our country, because of racist policies.

Watch it, and get involved. Write your senators, and congress“men”

Love Peace! Love!

#BLM #changeforgood #aworldthatworksforeveryone