Being “On Fire!”

Give a man a match and he’ll be warm for a night, set a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.
  ~Jed McKenna, The Theory of Everything

Have you ever been “On Fire?”

I don’t mean it in the literal way as in, as in being engulfed in a blaze. I mean it in the sense of, Have you ever felt that conviction that something had a higher purpose for you and you felt compelled to pursue this dream or vision you had?

Emmett Fox called it “your Heart’s Desire.” It’s more often referred to as “your passion.” When you’re passionate about something, it can be consuming, usually in a good way.

When you pursue your passion, you are seldom disappointed, and nothing can get in your way during that pursuit, because you are focused. Most often that focus is not on the completion, which may or may not be attainable, but on the joy it will give the individual or group you are directly or indirectly doing the work for.

I remember when I was a carpenter/contractor. Though I was building something, a room, a house, or a deck, the focus of my passion of creating something was less about the completion of the project, which of course was important to getting paid, but more about the joy the completed project would bring the client for years to come, and the look on their faces, when they saw the final result. That was my real payoff.

When I resigned from banking in 1978, I never did any job or made any career change because of money. I’m not sure I can even say that anything I’ve done since then was a job, because I loved all the things I did, and I didn’t do them for the money. I did them out of love for what I was doing, passionately creating! The money was a manifestation of the love I put into what I loved.

I guess I’ve always been “on fire.”


Who are we?

flag-stamp“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

When I was a kid, we used to say this every morning in school, and, for those New Englanders who grew up in the fifties and went home for lunch every day from elementary school and were lucky enough to watch Big Brother Bob Emery at noon, we toasted the then President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the American flag with a glass of milk. Then we had lunch and returned to school.

The “under God” was added one year after I began reciting the pledge, but because we have always been a nation of diverse faiths and numerous variations of a deity, we didn’t specify a particular religious institution or faith. In fact, the foundation of this nation was religious freedom, and, while there has unfortunately been discrimination against people and/or their religious beliefs, the clause “liberty and justice for all”, which references the constitutional rights of ALL our peoples, has always reigned supreme against any overt actions to the contrary.

So, how could we allow ourselves to come to this place where we ban whole countries access to experience what we have for so many years.

Are we going to allow our freedoms to be taken away? Make no mistake, these are OUR FREEDOMS that are being attacked and diminished!

Even more insidious is the fact that only Muslim countries in which the President’s companies don’t do business have been singled out. Worse yet is the fact that the Muslim countries that aren’t banned are the ones that most of the terrorists have come from.

Islam shares the same Old Testament that we do, with the addition of the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. It is a religion of Peace. It is founded in Love. Jesus is considered a teacher or prophet in Islam. It is the politicization of Islam, which foments war and hate, much in the same way the Christian Right in this country has politicized Christianity. Why are we not living by Jesus’ words and deeds as Christians?

The basic tenets of all religions are the self-discovery of our divinity and discovering love for all humanity, and learning how to become stewards for all its peoples and the planet.

When will we move beyond the love of money and power to begin to care for everyone? When will we begin to embrace our divinity, so that we can embrace our love for humanity as a nation and as a planet?

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider



Do you believe in Karma?

waynedyer382838Karma, whatever you call it, it is.  It can be said in many ways.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

It is done unto you as you believe.

What goes around, comes around.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Some of these are reflections of how we should act naturally, while others are phrases describing what happens when you do something that is perceived as bad by society. However you phrase it, it is the the repercussions of an action taken.

The karma itself is the personal heaven or hell you ultimately create for yourself by not being in alignment with your highest purpose.

Each of us has an opportunity to react or respond to the circumstances of the moment.

~ jim

God is God is God!

I shared this phrase not long ago online and was called “Satan Spawn.” I found that curious and somewhat perplexing from a Christian, as the God of the Christians into which I was born, evolved from the God of the Hebrews, and their God and the Bible stories evolved from the God of the Assyrians, and the God of the Muslims evolved through the same texts also. In fact our Bible in its present form was the product of the Council of Nicea, called by Emperor Constantine to bring all the minor Essene sects together as one under one religion governed by his empire. Religion has always been about control, not about the God of a religion. Religious differences and ambiguities have been the impetus for countless wars since man began to form tribes and socio-economic groups. Muslims, Jews, Protestants and Catholics, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and others: religion still pervades governments and drives divisions within governments.

Fortunately for the world, as the centuries go by, ignorance and smallness has given way to reason, and the divide is shrinking as religious zealots become fewer and fewer. When will the many names for God be universally accepted by all? Maybe, when greed and self-aggrandizement no longer hides behind its moniker.


3 Steps to Making Conscious Choices

three-steps-300x3001) Still Your Thoughts

When we still your thoughts, we make room for Spirit or God, the Presence, to be recognized within us. It is always there, but most of the time we are so busy with busy-ness that we don’t notice. By being in the moment we allow our thoughts to fall away and we shed the façade that ego superimposes on us we move into our more authentic self.

2) Become the Observer

With ego out of the picture, we have the ability to become the observer of our thoughts and the world. As the observer, we are no longer judging ourselves or our situations, and we can see everything as just actions. These products which move before us are now available for us to choose from. We can then make our choices from a non-judgmental place. We make our decisions from a place of observations rather than reaction.

3) Make Responsible Choices

As we make our decisions from the non-judgmental place of observer, our choices become authentic choices we can live with. From here, we can accept responsibility for these actions and know we have made responsible choices.

~rev jim