Laugh Out Loud! Lol

make-me-laugh-d884e93a2b0d0bcae52ee11e89e2c30c7c5f0a50-s51As someone who loves a good laugh, I know there’s nothing better than an infectious laugh to lift your spirits! Think about the last time you really had a god laugh. It still brings a smile to your face, doesn’t it? That’s because you let go of everything else and you’re present in the moment. All your troubles fall away, all your pains are forgotten, and all you think about is the probably outrageous statement or joke that has just been shared.

Life is a journey. It is one that should not be taken too seriously. And, it is one that should be enjoyed. To enjoy life you need only surround yourself with like-minded people. “Like-minded” doesn’t mean people who are all exactly like you and agree with everything you say. They are people who have similar likes and needs, and similar dispositions, like enjoying a good belly laugh, often!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Have a great day!

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online
International Day of Peace Meditation September 21st
We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics October 4th

Again, Join us for the International Day of Peace

peace-wb-optIt may be that you’ve already got plans for engaging in Peace on September 21st, but we want to invite you to join Rev. Pat Davies and myself for about 30 minutes of prayer and meditation at 7 PM Eastern, 4PM Pacific in Zoom. No sign up is necessary. We ask that you bring with you only the desire for peace, in your own life, and be willing to build on that from there.

Your presence in the virtual ZOOM room will be enough to raise the consciousness well beyond the numbers we’ll have join us. If you can’t make it, if you hold the same consciousness for Peace while we pray, it will still make a difference. Every and anything we do in life affects everyone else, so there is nothing lost and greater connection gained by your being with us in consciousness.

More info and the Zoom access is available at  There is no signup, just show up, in person or in consciousness and we’ll bring a higher consciousness to all those across the world.

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online

I am Held in the Hands of Grace

Grace-2What does this mean to me?

It means that whatever I do, wherever I am, God has my back.

It means that Spirit always watches over me. It means that if I get hurt, God will help to heal me, to reveal the truth of the moment to me. It means that, when I die, I may cease to exist on this plane, but I do not cease to exist. I will transcend death, just as Jesus transcended death. I know that I am always in the hands of grace, and it allows me to move through life with a light step, rather than the fear and worry that weighs so many down.

Grace is something we can practice all our lives. We don’t have to wait until the end is near. Life is so worth living without a heave heart, and without taking the burden of the world upon our shoulders.

That doesn’t mean we don’t care for others. It doesn’t mean we hold back our help. It means we can be compassionate without suffering, comforting without taking on another’s grief as our own. We can care for others without giving up our own joy for living.

From our joy for living, others are actually uplifted from their despair. And when we feel the pain of some suffering, the hands of grace surround us naturally, because that’s what karma does. What we give to others is returned to us.

Try it sometime. Show someone you care about them. Feel the love.

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online