Practicing the Presence

1957904We are always “in the presence.” What do I mean by that? Being a spiritual person, I believe in God. You can call it Buddha, Mohammed, Great Spirit, Elohim, Divine Source, universal Love, Source Vibration, Divine Impulse, the energetic vibration of the universe, self, or whatever works for you.

The problem is, as mere mortals with all sorts of “stuff” going on in our lives, both good and bad by our judgment, we tend to edge “The Presence” out in lieu of other more important or more pressing things. How strange…

What could be more important in our life than our health, prosperity and happiness? And what ultimately ensures this? Could it be our relationship with ourself? Isn’t the basis of a superior relationship with ourself, “Love?” And, if as Jesus says, “Seek the kingdom of God within you,” then, in order to “practice the presence,” we must first and foremost seek what we need within ourselves, by seeking our own counsel. When we seek our own counsel, we must discard all that does not equate with Love in order to “practice the presence.”

So, can we “practice the presence” all the time? Absolutely. As long as we are consciously “in love” we are ‘Practicing the Presence.” Try it some time, when all around you seems chaotic and crazy; just be.

~rev jim starke   “New Seeds of Contemplation”
Online Spiritual Education
#peace   #aworldthatworks
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Think about it…

Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul.

-Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation

Completing Jigsaw Showing Solution Completing Or AchievementAs we move through our lives, we have thoughts and wishes of what we would like to see in our life and in our world during our life. As we think these thoughts, we put forth a vibration which is the equivalent of each of our thoughts. Those thoughts we act upon become complete in our mind(soul).Those we do not act upon have the opportunity to transform themselves in our mind as regrets, or incomplete desires.

The difference as to how our mind processes these thoughts, is in the energy we give to them. Are these thoughts just passing thoughts or are the thoughts something that we give our power to and then either act on or we tell ourselves that they are not within our reach, and don’t try, when even trying and failing can be a point of completion for us or the beginning of something great!

~rev jim
Online Spiritual Education
#peace   #aworldthatworks

I have challenges every day!

For the majority of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, jihad is a word that literally means “to struggle.” It’s a concept within Islam that represents a commitment to serve God, to be good to yourself and to your neighbors.
~ Carol Kuruvilla Associate Religion Editor, Huffington Post, 03-28-16

clip_image002I have challenges every day!

Struggling or having challenges in life is something we all face. We struggle with writing papers and articles, with taking tests, with driving in traffic, doing our jobs and many other tasks and relationships.

Just because we find ourselves in these very human modes, doesn’t mean we are going to go berserk or crazy. Sometimes it does, but in most cases we turn to a friend, or our version of God for help. We oft times turn to a higher sense of purpose within ourselves to give some perspective to our struggles. And, isn’t that key to our healing?

I joined a Medical Mission to Tanzania in Africa in 2007, and did a little research on the area and Africa in general before I embarked on the mission. I found the average earnings in Tanzania annually is $365. That’s a dollar a day. How many of us could live on a dollar a day in this country, or even $5 a day? Few of us I would guess. I remember being in my teens and reading all these articles of exploring Europe on $5 a day. But $1 a day, and many with families!

Muslims and Christians live together in peace in Tanzania, and religion is a large part of life. Yet, when I got there, while I saw dirt roads, and simple structures, I was amazed that the majority of the people that we treated were only grateful. Grateful for everything in their lives. I some cases their clothing was thread bare, but their spirits were always high. They were loving, warm, and outgoing, and the children were always curious. It didn’t seem like they even knew the word poor. They were living life! And, they addressed their challenges one at a time.

Are you grateful for where you are? Would you be willing to reach out to God when you are challenged?

~rev jim starke

I Move in the Direction of Living!

drive-fast-1-1255947It is through your exposure to life experiences that your expansion is born. And once expansion is born within you, you only feel good when moving in the direction of your expansion. That’s why holding yourself in opposition to your own expansion feels so bad.
—Abraham, Excerpted from: Phoenix, AZ on February 01, 2014/Daily Law of Attraction Quote from (March 8th, 2016)


When I read this quote, I thought back on my life and all that brought me to where I am today. . . and I know that I am where I need to be in this moment. In, through, and as me, Spirit moves me. I quiet my mind and the space I create allows the inflow of God. As my breath slows and I begin to feel the pounding of my heart, I know I am present, and I am One with my creator, and I know that whatever you choose to call it, It is The ONE.

Knowing this, I know that all is well with the world, and I am Grateful. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you is my prayer, my request and my manifestation. I know that this is already done in Spirit, and as I AM One with all, and everyone with me. Thank you Spirit. I allow it to just flow in Its perfect way.

Amen . . .

rev jim starke
Spirit Education