What Lies Within You?

Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you. No one else can bring you news of this inner world.
—John O’Donahue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “what lies outside you matters little to what lies within you.”

lovepowerThere are few in the world that really get this. Said differently in all the religious faiths, by primarily the outliers or esoteric of the religious beliefs, those mystics have recognized that God, Spirit, Divine Mother-Father, Wakan Tanka, or whatever you choose to call It, is the energy behind all that exists. It (God) adds order to what would otherwise be an unordered universe. We, as humans, have the power to make decisions that affect our lives immediately. We also have power to excel and grow, succeed and thrive, limited only by our own willingness to give away that power to others or have it taken away by those who would disenfranchise those they find different by ethnicity, culture, or Religious beliefs, to name a few.

They can never take away power from people in these disenfranchised groups, if these individuals aren’t willing to give up their power. This is evidenced by men such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. These men have been major voices for equality and peace for all peoples in spite of major campaigns to discredit or silence them.

They are equally flanked by powerful women like Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks and many others throughout history who put their lives at risk to fight for equality in their own right.

Try as they might, the powerful white men of history have always been unable to silence these powerful people of history. They could diminish their power somewhat by their control of the press and media and by silencing them with incarceration or death, but their spirit always lived on in others, and their banner was picked up and the struggle has always continued.

Now, white men are either claiming they have been misunderstood or maligned, but there is no place their lust for power and control over others can be misinterpreted. They, and as a white man I should probably say WE, have been responsible for most or all of the ills that exist in the world today. We are responsible for annihilation of entire peoples, all the wars in the world, the enslavement of many worlds of peoples, and for keeping peoples around the world in poverty, while they wallow in mountains of money that have kept themselves untouchable and uncaring for millennia.

Most of these men have claimed to be Christians, but as such have ignored, and flaunted their hypocrisy of the Golden Rule, the basic tenet of all spiritual philosophies, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” They have ignored Jesus’ tenet, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” They have also cast aside his words to, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. They don’t understand the historical context of the phrase, “to one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also.” They think it means to be submissive.

So, what does this say of the inner world, the soul upon which we base our good? It speaks volumes to how the world looks today and to the differences in the ways people respond or react to challenges. By in large, men still focus on “might” with those who challenge them, where women use logic, and their more sublime power of numbers to assert a greater influence. They speak from love, rather than what their money can buy.

Ultimately, this will make all the difference, because “Love conquers all.”

The Company You Keep

crowdThis is often a very touchy topic, but I wouldn’t be me, if I wasn’t willing to put my foot in my mouth. Have you ever thought about how your friends or those around you affect your life, as in your thoughts, feelings and attitudes?

If you’ve been trying to change your life and how it’s working for you, one of the things you must change is all the negativity that goes on around you. The negative thoughts and feelings that they bring into their conversations and communications arouse certain negative vibrations which keep them where they are and ultimately help to create the chaos in their lives.

As you make that move to a more peaceful, productive, and loving life, these same vibrations can create confusion and block your transformation, as you become sucked back into their vibrational field. It can and is often a difficult thing to distance yourself from these vibrations, but it really is necessary to do to attain the new vibration you wish to attract.


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online
International Day of Peace Meditation September 21st
We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics October 4th

God is God is God!

I shared this phrase not long ago online and was called “Satan Spawn.” I found that curious and somewhat perplexing from a Christian, as the God of the Christians into which I was born, evolved from the God of the Hebrews, and their God and the Bible stories evolved from the God of the Assyrians, and the God of the Muslims evolved through the same texts also. In fact our Bible in its present form was the product of the Council of Nicea, called by Emperor Constantine to bring all the minor Essene sects together as one under one religion governed by his empire. Religion has always been about control, not about the God of a religion. Religious differences and ambiguities have been the impetus for countless wars since man began to form tribes and socio-economic groups. Muslims, Jews, Protestants and Catholics, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and others: religion still pervades governments and drives divisions within governments.

Fortunately for the world, as the centuries go by, ignorance and smallness has given way to reason, and the divide is shrinking as religious zealots become fewer and fewer. When will the many names for God be universally accepted by all? Maybe, when greed and self-aggrandizement no longer hides behind its moniker.



Who were you intended to be?

merton-heroic-humilityWhat mask do you wear in order to keep people from knowing who you truly are?

Do you even know?

What kind of inquiry have you done to even find out who you are?

We are all meant to be here for a purpose. We are not just here to overpopulate the planet.

Think about it. Beyond all the chaos, crime, hunger, and strife, each of us was put here to serve mankind and the universe in some way. Each one of us is unique and precious. On this journey we can life, each of us adds value to life.

If we can find that, true happiness is ours.

