A monthly prayer for August 2021

I haven’t previously shared my prayers beyond the CSL minister’s group. I don’t know why. I am part of a group that shares a prayer on a specific day monthly throughout the year, and I’ve done so for many years. Take it in, if it works for you. –rev jim


The mind which was in Christ Jesus is your mind and my mind, and when we have broken through this human exterior of mind and, through meditation, have contacted the Source, we are then one with the spiritual mind of the universe, which is the mind of the Buddha, of Jesus, of Lao-tse, and the mind of every spiritual saint and seer.
~Joel Goldsmith, A Parenthesis in Eternity

Everything, that ever has been, is, or has the potential to come forth in future times, exists in the ethers right now. While we see time as linear, that is only the human experience. All the great minds have tapped into that every=flowing knowledge which is within each of us waiting to be tapped just as a maple tree is tapped to bring forth maple syrup.

And, as I move into the space of Love, God’s space, I know that Love flows through us into our experience as we, as I am willing to allow that love to touch me and to become my experience.

I open the door to my heart to beat, to feel, to break wide open that Spirit may allow me to experience the ecstasy of Its presence moving in, through, and as me.

I loose from within me any feelings that may come up that would keep me from allowing the wellspring of Spirit to burst forth and render what has been me to dissolve into the nothingness and bring forth a rebirth a feeling that God, in me, as me and through me, truly is me.

In this place, I am peace. I am love. I am compassion. I am the diverse nature of the universe. I am free. And, I am grateful.

With all this, I am at peace in knowing that All Power Resides in God, and I rest in this thought, knowing it is true.

And so it is. Amen.

Somewhere in consciousness there lies a land undiscovered, a land not yet revealed by religion, philosophy, or science. I know that it exists for it continually pushes itself into my awareness. I know that when it discloses itself, it will change the nature of mankind: wars will be no more, and the lamb will lie down with the lion.
~Joel Goldsmith, A Parenthesis in Eternity

Allow the inflow of the new!

In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.
~ Howard Thurman

quietIn the quiet of your thoughts, have you ever noticed that there’s a certain knowing the comes to you, that a certain idea is brought forward in your mind, when you allow all things to just refresh themselves and you just release those things which no longer serve you.

It’s the same thing as when I have a problem I can’t solve and I just walk away from it, forget about it, then come back to it from a different perspective, from a different idea, or from different way of thinking and all of a sudden the answer appears from outside the confusion which was there in the beginning which was nonproductive and now there is the answer. It was so easy. I did not see it in the beginning and it suddenly appeared to me because I had a change of mind, a change of thought. I created a void, a place which allowed for the new thought to come into my life. I changed my despair to hope, my fear that there wasn’t an answer into the answer.

And at the same time I know that it wasn’t me the answer came from. It came through me from God, I cleared the way in my mind for the answer to be revealed to me. It was always there because God is always with us and as soon as I cleared the way it was revealed to me.

Next time something in your life seems to be troubling you, let go of it, walk away from it, forget about, it release it from your thoughts, release the idea and just find something else to do, then come back to it with a new mind, with a clear mind, and with a clear thought that the answer is there already and you’ll be surprised. It will be there.


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics begins  October 4th

Let go of the old ideas that don’t Serve


Have you ever taken a chance? Have you ever thought about doing something that was so beyond anything you’d ever done before that it scared the hell out of you?

The rush you felt, that exhilaration, was not just the adrenaline rush of fear, anxiety, and the unknown, it was Spirit filling your once empty soul, as the new that’s entering your conscious awareness, becomes aware that you are aware of It.

Peace is.


In the stillness the Divine enters

Christian dove“In our creation, God asked a question and in our truly living; God answers the question.” ― Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation

In the silence, in that place between our thoughts, God is talking to us, telling us that our highest idea of good is what we could be doing.

This comes to us in contemplation. It most likely won’t come to us in guided meditation or in a conversation in a bar. It comes to us in the silence as we lose ourselves to God. As our mind begins to still itself and we don’t realize that we don’t even recognize our breathing, we may be in that place of direct connection with Spirit and the out-picturing of that experience may leave us with an idea of significant importance for us.

We just need to be aware and open to it.

~rev jim
www.spirit-edu.com/learn/   “New Seeds of Contemplation”
Online Spiritual Education
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
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