Self-Love or Narcissism


“If I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take to name yourself?”

A Facebook friend recently responded about post image about self-love that she was afraid it sounded narcissistic if she stated that. I guess my direct comment would be, “yes, it would, if you would go around declaring that to everyone,” but what I feel is that self-love is the basis for loving others.

Narcissism is total lack of love for self and others. It’s really a self-loathing that out-pictures as, “It’s all about me” and what “I” do, and nothing about you. The individual is trying to convince themselves that they are a loving person and deserving of Love, because no one does. They usually believe that money, fame, notoriety, bombastic behavior, which always draws attention, are the behaviors that not only draw people to them, but also make people love them.

People are drawn to that type of behavior today, or at least it seems so. That’s most of what you see on the internet and the news, because it sells, and attracts “likes.” There are also other things that can attract “likes” beyond outrageous behavior and cat videos, Loving thoughts.

They’re not good press though. That’s why there is little success with websites about good news or loving thoughts, or at least less sharing of those sites.

Remember, Hate only begets more hate, but when you respond to hate with love it becomes disarmed. So, if you find yourself in the presence of outrageous behavior from someone, just send them love. You don’t need to embrace them with anything more than your mind, if you don’t feel inclined, but it can have a healing for you and you never know what it may do for the other person.

from Love, in Peace,

~rev jim starke -Spirituality Online
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The Company You Keep

crowdThis is often a very touchy topic, but I wouldn’t be me, if I wasn’t willing to put my foot in my mouth. Have you ever thought about how your friends or those around you affect your life, as in your thoughts, feelings and attitudes?

If you’ve been trying to change your life and how it’s working for you, one of the things you must change is all the negativity that goes on around you. The negative thoughts and feelings that they bring into their conversations and communications arouse certain negative vibrations which keep them where they are and ultimately help to create the chaos in their lives.

As you make that move to a more peaceful, productive, and loving life, these same vibrations can create confusion and block your transformation, as you become sucked back into their vibrational field. It can and is often a difficult thing to distance yourself from these vibrations, but it really is necessary to do to attain the new vibration you wish to attract.

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

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Self Love

self-loveAs soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. ~ Garth Henrichs

One of the main aspects of trust, whether for yourself other toward others is “Love.” I am not talking about the mushy, sloppy type of temporary high school or lusty love. I am speaking about the love that endures. Oft times we see that as friendship or the unconditional love that we feel. Self love is a prerequisite to the love of others.

We don’t often think of self love or when we do think of it, it’s in the negative ways, such as self-serving or self-aggrandizing. We see the boisterous and pompous and they are our most visible mis-examples of self-love. Usually this type of behavior is a disguise of those devoid of love.

Self love starts with taking care of yourself obviously, but it also means that you are happy as you are and willing to add greater prosperity and greater good to your life without harming or taking anything away from anyone else.

Then, the natural extension of that is empathy and caring for others. Until we begin to love our “self,” we cannot start to love others. Grand examples of those who care for others are the Dali Llama, Pema Chödron, fr. Richard Rhor, and Pope Francis, but there are billions of lesser known people who are absolutely comfortable with themselves and are loving, caring people. It probably includes you, so, as usual, I’m talking to “the choir” as it were.

If this strikes a chord in you, or you would like to hear more, let me know.

~rev jim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online

Accent the Positive

check-file-glyph-icon_fkPSbT8d_LI always wonder why people choose to not see the possibility of good in a situation.

Take for instance, when one is either going into or coming out of a job interview. How often does one go into a job interview knowing they are going to totally smoke the interview? Mostly they are nervous or apprehensive, because they think they are not good enough or not qualified for the job. If they went in radiating the idea that the job was already theirs, they would probably get the job.

Conversely, when they leave an interview or are turned down for a job, why think, “I wasn’t qualified” or “I never get the good jobs.” Why not go to the place, where you know, “If this is not my perfect job, the next interview is going to be mine. I am ready for something even better!”

Being positive is all about taking charge of and responsibility for your life.

~rev jim
Online Spiritual Education
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