
Know that you are the most important person in your life. Love yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself better than you would your best friend. because that’s who you are. Love yourself passionately. Give to yourself first of all good things.

Then, whatever you’ve given yourself of Love, work earnestly to give that
same self to others.

Know the Peace you are and that’s what others will see in you, and as you.
Know that beauty which lies within always. You have an aura of grace about you.

Allow that to show through always. It is in your voice and your eyes that your love comes through. I know that this is the truth for you.

~ revjim

Self-Love or Narcissism


“If I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take to name yourself?”

A Facebook friend recently responded about post image about self-love that she was afraid it sounded narcissistic if she stated that. I guess my direct comment would be, “yes, it would, if you would go around declaring that to everyone,” but what I feel is that self-love is the basis for loving others.

Narcissism is total lack of love for self and others. It’s really a self-loathing that out-pictures as, “It’s all about me” and what “I” do, and nothing about you. The individual is trying to convince themselves that they are a loving person and deserving of Love, because no one does. They usually believe that money, fame, notoriety, bombastic behavior, which always draws attention, are the behaviors that not only draw people to them, but also make people love them.

People are drawn to that type of behavior today, or at least it seems so. That’s most of what you see on the internet and the news, because it sells, and attracts “likes.” There are also other things that can attract “likes” beyond outrageous behavior and cat videos, Loving thoughts.

They’re not good press though. That’s why there is little success with websites about good news or loving thoughts, or at least less sharing of those sites.

Remember, Hate only begets more hate, but when you respond to hate with love it becomes disarmed. So, if you find yourself in the presence of outrageous behavior from someone, just send them love. You don’t need to embrace them with anything more than your mind, if you don’t feel inclined, but it can have a healing for you and you never know what it may do for the other person.

from Love, in Peace,

~rev jim starke -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider
World Healing Meditation Online, Dec. 31 @ 7am Eastern
Info here:

Loving that which is within you.

“Though you may travel the world to find the beautiful, you must have it within you or you will find it not.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

heart-lightThe idea of finding the beauty within you is based on “Loving what is” as it is right now. Can you love the seemingly imperfect you as you are, a little fat, maybe falling short in the hair department, and whatever else shows up as your imperfections? It doesn’t mean you can’t change your appearance, or your temperament. What it means is that you love yourself the way you are right now, and you’re not going to beat yourself up, if you have trouble losing weight, or don’t have Cher’s hair or Bill Gate’s money.

It means that you’re all right as you are and can love you without reservation.

How can you possibly love someone else, if you don’t love you? How can you build a sustainable life without the joy of exploring you first? You are not responsible for your metabolism, but you are responsible for you thoughts, for what you think and say. Love, compassion, empathy, all these things form a positive, fulfilling view of who you are outwardly as your world. Fear, loathing, despair, hate and other dark ideas and thoughts build an ominous, foreboding and fearful world view.

You can buy into the world as it appears to be in the news, or you can build your own view of the world as you perceive it from this day forward.

What are your most outrageous expectations for a life worth living? What are you willing to give up to see you grow into that idea?

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Giving Up!

man_with_question_mark.epsFunny, this word never used to be in my vocabulary. It still isn’t in the conventional sense. I have never given up on something I’ve thought was worthwhile. As I think about this, I know that I’ve almost never done something that I didn’t think was worthwhile, for me or someone I was trying to help.

So what has changed? Only the most basic reason, that I am doing it for me, or that I am doing it at all. It used to be when I was doing something I truly thought that it was me doing it. That I was in charge. I believed that it was my intellect that made it happen and I was the Mr. smarty pants that was responsible for all the great ideas. Then I realized that I was part of something greater. I realized that there was something at work here that is without equal in the universe, and it’s all a part of me, a part of all of us really.

There is a power in the universe, no, it is the universe, and it is the infinite source of our good. We can ignore it, or try to, but when we do that it is still there operating in and as us. It is our thoughts, and as we think about things the landscape of our life is being painted for us. The details of how our life unfolds, is pretty much up to us, and how we paint it. The colors we use and the detail we put into it paints a picture of greater and greater clarity.

Sometimes the colors we use don’t work, but luckily our canvas is not indelible, and we can scrape off what doesn’t work, or paint over the old, or better yet, begin with a new canvas. It is totally up to us. We are always supported from within as we fill the canvas of our lives.

We can start with a blank canvas anytime, and this clean canvas can be filled with our most precious thoughts, or our grandest dreams. We can paint this canvas in black and white, allow for shades of gray, or paint it in glorious color. It’s always best to keep it light of course, allowing for great and glorious things to unfold in full, living color. So, pull out that brush, spatula or crayons, and draw yourself a beautiful life. Allow the broad brush strokes of life to move through you in grandiose ways. Paint your thoughts like you life depends on it. Dreams become reality, and thoughts are things. If you keep your thoughts in alignment with with how you want your canvas and your life to look, both will become the masterpiece your mind has painted.

So, give up. Yes, give up on your old thoughts and ideas, if they’re not working for you and know that you are the artist of your life, and your thoughts out-picture as your life. The universe always gives you what you paint. Keep it bright and give it up to the power that resides within you, within each one of us!

~revjim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics  October 4th

Self Love

self-loveAs soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. ~ Garth Henrichs

One of the main aspects of trust, whether for yourself other toward others is “Love.” I am not talking about the mushy, sloppy type of temporary high school or lusty love. I am speaking about the love that endures. Oft times we see that as friendship or the unconditional love that we feel. Self love is a prerequisite to the love of others.

We don’t often think of self love or when we do think of it, it’s in the negative ways, such as self-serving or self-aggrandizing. We see the boisterous and pompous and they are our most visible mis-examples of self-love. Usually this type of behavior is a disguise of those devoid of love.

Self love starts with taking care of yourself obviously, but it also means that you are happy as you are and willing to add greater prosperity and greater good to your life without harming or taking anything away from anyone else.

Then, the natural extension of that is empathy and caring for others. Until we begin to love our “self,” we cannot start to love others. Grand examples of those who care for others are the Dali Llama, Pema Chödron, fr. Richard Rhor, and Pope Francis, but there are billions of lesser known people who are absolutely comfortable with themselves and are loving, caring people. It probably includes you, so, as usual, I’m talking to “the choir” as it were.

If this strikes a chord in you, or you would like to hear more, let me know.

~rev jim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online

Man’s inhumanity continues . . .

As the Charlottesville incident is still fresh in our minds,I have to ask myself, Why?

First, why is there such a visceral reaction in me to this senseless violence , and second, what is it in me that creates a space that allows this to happen?

To the first, I just can’t understand what it is in people that brings them to such a place of loss that they see no other option than to do harm to another child of God. Where is the thought process that says this is an acceptable solution? In this country especially, where the standard of living, even for the poor and disadvantaged is so much higher than so much of the world, there is still a disconnect so deep that people would rather listen to others opinions, rather than discern any truth for themselves. Even self-proclaimed Christians seem to abandon the teaching of the man around whom the religion was born to resort inane acts, so out of character with their savior. Instead, they engage in hate mongering, acts of violence, discrimination, and other base acts of horror, in the name of religion.alan-paton-novelist-quote-there-is-only-one-way-in-which-one-can

Today, this is stretched to a breaking point by an ignorant, misogynistic and arrogant @POTUS and a militant, violence spouting media, that seems to have lost perspective as to their job of delivering the facts and instead incites discontent. This is not limited to the so-called alt-right. All the unknowing media is contributing to this base rhetoric of hate. Their opinions become the opinions of the unread, and self-absorbed everywhere and their untruths become rallying cries.

To the “What;” what can we do to alleviate suffering and maybe encourage a new and more loving behavior going forward?

To this, I can only speak for me. I can look inward to what it is in me that creates this reaction in the first place. I can look at my own thoughts of bigotry and hatred, however benign or repressed they might be. They must be there for me to react in the ways I do. I need to not only look at them, but I need to be aware that they are obviously somewhere in me, and in my awareness of them, do a healing process to bring them into my consciousness, so I can begin to release these thoughts.

In the Christian faith, Jesus’ teaching bring us to recognize the God within us, which is always there to guide us toward Love. In the Muslim faith, there is the inner struggle, jihad, which is our guide to bring us into the Love of God. In Buddhism and Hinduism, there is the desire to achieve selflessness, which brings us into communion with the universe.

Whatever the teaching, they are always toward Peace, inner and other. As Thomas Merton says, without a balance of the spiritual and the human, we are incomplete, not a “Whole Person.”

What does this mean for me? It means I need to do the deeper interior work every day. I need to be in greater awareness of all the exterior things that “effect” me, and I need to remember the Spirit moves in, through and as every living thing, always. If I can remember and live these principles, then I can remain in tune with the infinite, and I tune with Love, which God is, and I AM.

“To forget the self and its pettiness is to actually show up, open and embracing, in the present moment’s play of form and formlessness.
~ Kathleen Dowling Singh, Grace in Aging

from Love, in Peace,

rev jim -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider