What if

what-if42818What if life actually worked for you.
What if you didn’t have to be at the affect me of the world?
What if you didn’t have to be a victim?
What if you could let go of the story that you created of victim hood?
What if there is a power in the universe that wants you to succeed?
What if everything you ever wanted is there for your asking?
What if you are the only one keeping you from having all that you desire?
What if success is simply having the willingness to allow it in your life?
What if refocusing your attention was all you need to do to set a new intention?
What if you are awesome?
What if you could allow yourself o believe that?
What if you could allow yourself to believe that you are not your story?
What if your story was just a historical reference showing you how you got to where you are, but had nothing to do with where you are going?
What if you determine your life by the way you think about it?

Life gives you what you put into it.

What if you believed this?

-rev jim


You are Powerful Beyond Your Dreams

“It is our choices…that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities”

– J. K. Rowling

the-thinkerIt’s funny actually how much truth there is in this. At any given time our abilities have the potential of holding us back from attaining our dreams and thoughts of what we can be.

If I was to count the times I started a new business instead of just continuing to work for someone else, I’d probably still be working in a bank helping little old ladies try to understand why the interest in their savings accounts didn’t agree with what they had figured it to be.

That sort of goes hand in hand with the comment “I’m too old to learn something new!”

In either case, to me, that just tells of laziness and lack of imagination. In most cases it’s not the individual’s fault. Most people who fall into that category are just products of their growth environments. They have either had their power taken away or they gave it away for whatever reason.

It’s said that there are leaders and there are followers, but I believe that we all have the potential to be leaders or to “live in our own power,” if we are willing to learn to develop that power. Power, to me, is not controlling others, although it surely seems to be to some degree. Power is the ability to see in your mind what you want to do or be, and then take the steps necessary to attain that.

To that end, personal power and spiritual power are the same. If you are willing to consciously make the choices to have your life unfold as you wish it to, then you are no longer being influenced by others. You have taken back your power.

Now is the time for you to take back your power. Now is the only moment that exists. Your past is history and doesn’t have any power unless you give it power. You can change the story of your life, but you must be willing to leave the old one in your past, and build something completely new. Just let go of the story and start a new one.

I know I make it sound easy and it is, but it can be the most difficult first step you can ever take. There are so many “what ifs” we like to just throw out there, to which we can and do, more often than not, give over our life to, instead of taking charge and directing it by our actions.

Do it anyway! There are so many good things that can happen by taking the first step. And, if you need help, there are any number of ordinary people around who can help teach you to trust in Y-O-U.

What is your Spiritual Practice?

Meditating about GodDo you even realize you may have a spiritual practice? Do you find yourself sitting on the front porch just staring at the evening sky lost in contemplation? Do you sit in front of the tube and realize about fifteen minutes into a show that you haven’t heard or seen a thing that was said? Or, do you find yourself sitting at a traffic light in your car not realizing the light has changed until you hear the blare of horns behind you urging you to move your arse?

Meditation is a form of spiritual practice and it could be that the universe is trying to get a message to you during these supposed lapses, or maybe it has given you a message that you’re running with and you just thought it was your idea all along.

How about your health? Where do you sit with that? Do you feel perfect health is something you have to work hard at to attain, or do you see it as your birthright? Do you try to treat your body like a temple, or do you treat it like some Mayan ruins? Do you even believe that your perfect health is attainable? Believing in yourself is at least half the success of seeing that in your life.

from Love, in Peace,


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Giving Up!

man_with_question_mark.epsFunny, this word never used to be in my vocabulary. It still isn’t in the conventional sense. I have never given up on something I’ve thought was worthwhile. As I think about this, I know that I’ve almost never done something that I didn’t think was worthwhile, for me or someone I was trying to help.

So what has changed? Only the most basic reason, that I am doing it for me, or that I am doing it at all. It used to be when I was doing something I truly thought that it was me doing it. That I was in charge. I believed that it was my intellect that made it happen and I was the Mr. smarty pants that was responsible for all the great ideas. Then I realized that I was part of something greater. I realized that there was something at work here that is without equal in the universe, and it’s all a part of me, a part of all of us really.

There is a power in the universe, no, it is the universe, and it is the infinite source of our good. We can ignore it, or try to, but when we do that it is still there operating in and as us. It is our thoughts, and as we think about things the landscape of our life is being painted for us. The details of how our life unfolds, is pretty much up to us, and how we paint it. The colors we use and the detail we put into it paints a picture of greater and greater clarity.

Sometimes the colors we use don’t work, but luckily our canvas is not indelible, and we can scrape off what doesn’t work, or paint over the old, or better yet, begin with a new canvas. It is totally up to us. We are always supported from within as we fill the canvas of our lives.

We can start with a blank canvas anytime, and this clean canvas can be filled with our most precious thoughts, or our grandest dreams. We can paint this canvas in black and white, allow for shades of gray, or paint it in glorious color. It’s always best to keep it light of course, allowing for great and glorious things to unfold in full, living color. So, pull out that brush, spatula or crayons, and draw yourself a beautiful life. Allow the broad brush strokes of life to move through you in grandiose ways. Paint your thoughts like you life depends on it. Dreams become reality, and thoughts are things. If you keep your thoughts in alignment with with how you want your canvas and your life to look, both will become the masterpiece your mind has painted.

So, give up. Yes, give up on your old thoughts and ideas, if they’re not working for you and know that you are the artist of your life, and your thoughts out-picture as your life. The universe always gives you what you paint. Keep it bright and give it up to the power that resides within you, within each one of us!


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics  October 4th

The Company You Keep

crowdThis is often a very touchy topic, but I wouldn’t be me, if I wasn’t willing to put my foot in my mouth. Have you ever thought about how your friends or those around you affect your life, as in your thoughts, feelings and attitudes?

If you’ve been trying to change your life and how it’s working for you, one of the things you must change is all the negativity that goes on around you. The negative thoughts and feelings that they bring into their conversations and communications arouse certain negative vibrations which keep them where they are and ultimately help to create the chaos in their lives.

As you make that move to a more peaceful, productive, and loving life, these same vibrations can create confusion and block your transformation, as you become sucked back into their vibrational field. It can and is often a difficult thing to distance yourself from these vibrations, but it really is necessary to do to attain the new vibration you wish to attract.


#spirit-edu.com -Spirituality Online
Spirit Education is a CSL Authorized Virtual Education Provider

Grace in Aging class starts September 18th Online
International Day of Peace Meditation September 21st
We’re having a Zoominar September 28th
1st Century Mystics October 4th

Positive Thoughts

thinkI was out buying a car the other day and my salesman was a young man with a new family. Well, we were talking while I was test driving and he said, “it is what it is” to something we were talking about. Before I knew it, we were talking about living in the now, in this moment, that the past has no power over us except the power we give it. It is the past after all.

This is why I enjoy being with and talking with young people. Overall, they haven’t become entrenched in their story, because they are still making it up. They are more open to and willing to change. They don’t have as much “to lose” as older people think they do. Think being the operative word here.

Being positive even when what you are doing is tentative usually helps tip the odds in your favor. When Thomas Edison was working on inventing the light bulb he said his failures were just mistakes he eliminated in finding the correct combination that worked, all 10,000 of them!

-rev jim
Merton study, coming soon

Our Thoughts Create

Teamwork, concept, success.

You have probably heard this, but have you ever really thought about it? Have you thought about how your thoughts affect your life, your choices and your decisions?

There are some who knock positivity as a naïve thing, but imagine how sad it would be to always go into an interview or a meeting thinking that you “not” going to get a job, or no one was going to like your ideas. What a depressing thought.

Nothing is impossible, unless you think it is!

Love the Earth. Love Peace! Love!
~ rev jim
