Who’s peace?

“There is no such thing as peace on earth and goodwill to man by any human means ever discovered because peace on earth and goodwill to man has been the aim of the human race since long before 2000 BC.
The Christ peace doesn’t mean overcoming your enemies except for the enemies that are within yourself…
The enemy is always of your own household, and that means within your own being. And your enemy is always a belief in two powers, a belief in two presences, a belief in two lives, a belief in duality, ignorance—ignorance, that’s our enemy.”
~Joel Goldsmith, The Government of Eden

So, take a moment to just let all this sink in. Take a breath. Do whatever you must to just allow these words to settle into your consciousness, our consciousness, my consciousness, God’s consciousness.

From that consciousness of oneness, know there is nothing that appears in this world that needs to be overcome. There is no thing that needs to be done or undone, only that we go within and recognize there is that in you, in me, in every living soul, which is held in perfection and held in grace.

And know, that everyone and everything is unfolding as this Godself in their own time, their own place, at their own speed and on their own path.

Further recognize that the only peace we have is within our own self individually. When the peace in every individual Godhead is realized, so shall world peace be recognized. Until I get that, I find myself in and at the effect of appearances.

So, as I return to center and reunify with Spirit and being in this world, but not of it, I know that I as one individualized expression of God, of the Divine, am at peace. Right here and right now.

I am grateful in this knowing and accepting of all paths, and I release this unto the innocence within me, and I am at peace.

Thank you Spirit, Thank you, thank you!

And so it is.

from Love, In Peace,  rev jim starke

You Can Heal Your Life

As the title suggests, Spirit Education through Rev. Dr. Michelle (RevJerseyGirl) Wadleigh, is offering a newly designed course based on the book of the same name by Louise Hay. 

You Can Heal Your Life is a wonder-filled study of consciousness and its relationship to our health. If you would like to know more about the course or sign up and learn how to heal yourself of ongoing issues, go to https://spirit-edu.com/healyourlife/ where you can get more information and sign up!

The class begins March 7, 2022.

We offer scholarships for those in need and discounts for those outside the USA based on currency exchange rates.

No Mud, No Lotus

600X-no-mud-MemeIf you’re looking to attract greater abundance in your life and you have unresolved issues from your past, this course can help you to recognize these past mistakes and move beyond them, making that abundance more readily available and permanent in your life.
Join us at www.spirit-edu.com/no-mud-no-lotus/

No Mud, No Lotus for All Coming in June

If you haven’t heard already, Rev. Michelle’s amazing course No Mud, No Lotus: A Journey into Forgiveness, is starting again and has been redesigned for everyone.

It is no longer just for practitioners and ministers, but is now for everyone who desires to be liberated from their old S-T-O-R-E-Y so they can begin a new life freed from that pain in the past. So, don’t hesitate to click the link and learn more and join us!

Again, even if you’re new to New Thought, or just a seeker of truth, this course can make a huge difference in your life.

Click on the image or go to: https://spirit-edu.com/nmnlforall/

~rev jim



We already have it. We just can’t see it.

“God has nothing to give us. Everything that God is, we already are; all that God has, is already ours. We can come into the experience of this by relaxing from the fear of what we shall or shall not have tomorrow.” -Joel Goldsmith, Practicing the Presence

Fear almost always seems to be the primary thing that separates us from our good; fear of not being liked, fear of being alone, fear of not being paid, so many fear options. We sometimes seem to stumble through life from one bad scene in a “B” rated horror movie to the next. To many, it seems never-ending. We blame God, man, our cars, our employers, everyone, but ourselves. 

We take courses in prosperity, succeeding in business, changing our personality, even try to be like our guru or mentor. We do all this before we ever try to embrace who we are.
I have said this many times and in many ways. Before we can love anyone, we must learn to love ourselves. Before we can be a success, we must know that we are already a success. We must embrace who we are and where we are before there can be any meaningful and substantial change for us. We must change how we see ourselves in order to see change in our lives.

As so many before me have said, “we are powerful beyond our imagination.”
Helen Keller once said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”

Until we can love or be loved, or a success, or anything else, we need to feel that in our heart. We find it easy to feel fear, because fear relies on something external and there are tons of ways to feel less than, especially when you buy into someone else’s thoughts about you or any other thing. Doubt is an easy convert, especially if you don’t believe in yourself.

Here’s a simple thing to do that can help you to realize that we live in an infinite universe of a living God and that anything you want to co-create in your life you can, if you believe in you.

Walk outside or look in a magazine and look at a tree or at the grass and try to count the leaves on a single tree or the blades of grass of a lawn. You can’t and even if you tried, some old leaves would fall and new ones be added before you ever reached a final count.

Now, apply this to the possibility that something you know how to do and do well. The way you do it is your unique version of creating that thing. That unique style can be of use to an untold number of people. That could be the start of something that could change not only your life, but the lives of many others.

All of this begins with you believing in yourself, and in order to do that, you must love yourself. For that we get back to the beginning of this article and changing the way you see yourself. That is all about changing your thinking. To do that, think of today as the first day of the rest of your life. Yesterday is history and has no control over the present moment.

Tomorrow is unformed and something you can mold in your image of it. Right now is where it can begin.

When? It has to be now. Tomorrow never comes. There is only this moment

Where? The change takes place within you and me.

What? You can be whatever you believe you can be.

How? Change comes by believing in yourself and trusting your inner self.

Why? Why not? What have you got to lose you if you don’t like what you’re doing now? If the first thing doesn’t pan out, try another.

Remember, Thomas Edison created the light bulb over a thousand times before he got it right.


A Few Thoughts on Suffering

“Suffering is a law of life, and it is essential during this step to acknowledge our own pain or we shall find it impossible to have compassion for the distress of others.”  – Karen Armstrong, 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life

Suffering is a term I have always had trouble understanding. In my limited reading on Buddhism, I read a quote from somewhere, that “pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.” Since then I have heard many use suffering as justification of having that experience as their life.

It is my understanding that it is Buddhist in nature, but have found opposing thoughts on this in today’s negative climate. But, if you really think about it, there is a lot of truth in it.  Pain is a fact of life as we grow older, and few are exempt. We don’t normally define ourselves by our pain, but we usually define ourselves as suffering from pain or the state of the world or in some other way, which allows us to stay in this definition, rather than moving forward in life in spite of any pain we may feel.

When I was in Airborne training in the Army, I was in great shape, but there were many mornings that I had to move through the pain I would feel during a 5 mile run in uniform and combat boots. It was clear that I could move through the pain if I set my mind to it, but suffering would only have occurred if I had chosen to stop running and quit.

So, why do we choose to suffer?

In many cases, we choose to suffer, because, in our suffering, it becomes a way to define ourselves. Nothing else of note is going on for us, and suffering becomes the fact of our being, our reason to be. It becomes our story, just like being happy or successful! Most of the time we suffer not because we are in physical pain, but because we are not willing to let go of something in our past that would resolve itself in “self-forgiveness.” Instead of doing the necessary shadow work, looking into our darker side, we just try to forget about it, and for a while, the buried problem goes away, until something happens to trigger the issue and up it pops saying, “Hey, remember me?” Then, all of a sudden, we are not worthy again.

The only way to move away from suffering is to acknowledge our pain, physical or mental, and try to figure out why it still has a hold on us. If we truly want to identify as something other than our suffering, we can accept that we have pain and consciously choose that we no longer identify as a sufferer and identify ourselves as Jim or Jane or an internet marketer, a spiritual coach, or even a successful survivor of whatever we have transcended in our lives and live as such. 

-rev jim

React or Respond: There is Always a Choice

What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion.”

― Sri Aurobindo

“What do you think about that?” someone said to me, referencing something they had heard.

“I have no opinion, because I have no knowledge of what happened,” says I.

Why do people expect you to jump into a conversatioyou have no first-hand experience about? I have found over the years, at least for me, that supporting someone else’s thought becomes a brainless and uncaring act, unless I first know for myself what the many sides of an issue or thought represent and more importantly, where I stand on an issue, if I have a stand at all.

Most of the time I keep my opinions to myself, because I realize that my opinion normally represents a limited understanding of a complex problem, and, if I haven’t fully explored the many facets of a usually simple statement that has been queried, I am only reacting to it, not responding intelligently.

I have found reactions are usually made out of fear of losing something. People are living in such fear today; fear of bodily harm, fear of some right being taken away, fear of being deported, fear of being outed. Fear is a strong and very limiting emotion. It makes us do crazy and unimaginable things. There are people waste their entire lives, promoting fear through words, violence, and making things up about others.

I remember when Hurricane Matthew was bearing down on us in 2016, the SJC Emergency Management Director came through on my cell phone screaming that I had to leave my house right now and evacuate or “I would die!”

I’ve lived through cat4 hurricanes in the Caribbean and Florida. I’ve been a contractor in both places and had major success in not just surviving hurricanes, but thriving during them. I would never put myself in an unreasonable risk situation. I’ve normally lived on islands where you couldn’t escape anyway, so you hunker down and pray for the best. Florida is no different. There’s nowhere to go, unless you leave many days before the track is even locked in by our weather guessers. And, as a contractor, I know that, if a building has been built to code, you may get wet, but are probably safe otherwise. If I hit the road, chances are I could end up riding the storm out in the Walmart parking lot in Palatka. That would be less fun than sitting in a foot of water saving what I can of my belongings.

Anyway, you get the point, fear is our worst enemy, and if we buy into it, we’re already lost. If we are reasonable and don’t allow fear to be our guide, the world really doesn’t look that bad. I approach incidents and situations on a one-off. I trust until I’m shown someone or something is untrustworthy. I try not to judge by ethnicity, race, religious beliefs or social position, but I am sometimes ashamed of my behavior, and try to be better, when I catch myself.

There is no place in my life for hate. It only makes life a hell. I see so many people living their lives in a self-imposed hell today. I choose not to. Life in this body is too short. I learned a while ago, I’d rather be happy than right. That’s a story for another time.


The Ego and Suffering

“The saint knows that the world and everything made by God is good, while those who are not saints either think that created things are unholy, or else they don’t bother about the question one way or another because they are only interested in themselves.” Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation

In reading this statement, it made me think. If Merton believes this, how did he justify his need to rail against the conflict created by racism and war? 

The answer came to me that these practices are ego driven and in direct opposition to the idea that we are all created in the i

mage and likeness of God, and each of us deserves to be respected and accepted as equal. It is the ego that makes anyone think that they are better than anyone else or that they deserve more than anyone else. It is this thinking which is responsible for the suffering in the world today.


Chaos is No-thing wanting to be something.

Huge Tidal wave with man“Staring down Chaos, we can recognize that there is no space, no ease, no footing in it.”
-Kathleen Dowling Singh, The Grace in Aging

Chaos. What is it that creates this state in our lives? Mostly, it’s from us giving our power away. When we have lost our direction, our purpose, and start giving in to all the multitude of external and contradictory data, stories and uninformed comments, this confusing cacophony of misinformation can disorient us, if we don’t pull back from it.

We should instead, listen to that guide within us that helps us make our own, informed decisions based on an intuitive knowing from empirical data we have filtered through our own lens of life.

Living in chaos, is like trying to build a house on quicksand. There is no solid footing on which to build and we constantly sink back into the mire, into the chaos. It gets down to one thing; Love.

It always seems to return to this. Love is the only thing upon which to build your life. When you love you, when you accept you with all your seeming imperfections (individualized perfections), you can weather any storm. There is nothing you can’t move beyond. You look at your life, taking responsibility for everything in it, realizing that missteps aren’t the end, but the start of a new beginning.

When Edison created the light bulb, he made thousands of missteps before he finally found the right combination of elements to give a stable platform to light the bulb reliably and consistently. Because he trusted and believed he could, he achieved it. There was no chaos to him, only a knowing that he had within himself the power to create this.

Love jumpstarts that creative process.

~rev jim