Mystical Streams from the First Millennium

In “Mystical Streams from the First Millennium” course, we follow three mystical traditions through their evolution in the first millennium of the common era.

We follow the Christian Mystics, Sufi Mystics of the Islamic Tradition, and the Kabbalah Mystics of the Jewish Tradition, focusing on the similarities of their spiritual experiences, paths and practices along their journey to the Divine. This is truly an inter-spiritual quest relevant to all seekers of the Beloved today.

Please join us for whirlwind tour and learn the “Ascetic Wisdom” of the Desert Fathers and Mothers such as Abba Anthony’s “Art of the Presence” and Amma Sarah of Scete’s practice for “Awakening to the Presence of God”. Share in the “Cosmological View of Creation” of Francis, Clare and marvel at the creative artistic genius of authoress, painter, musician, healer and composer Hildegard of Bingen who struggled to express her experience of unitive consciousness.

Follow the “Nature Mysticism of the Original Innocence” of the Welsh Bard Pelagius and Columba of the Celtic tradition. Rejoice in the rise of the “Divine Feminine” with Abbess Brigid of Kildare.

Cross the deserts of consciousness, in this course, as you follow the mystical voyages of Rumi. Join in the fiery union with the Beloved, and heed the call of the heart of the first woman Sufi mystic, Rabi’a of Basra. Her poetic verse is “on fire with love and longing” for Divine union.

And finally, cross the “Mystical Abyss” to the Divine with the evolution from Merkabah Mysticism (ascent mysticism to “God out there”) to Kabbalah Mysticism.  The meaning, “to receive,” is a way of looking at reality from the viewpoint of “the God in here”, in our consciousness. The course will be a wonderful adventure to pursue together in the new year.

In love and peace,
Rev. Mary

For Practitioners: This course will offer  you 12 CEUs (Continuing Educational Credits) with the approval of your Senior Minister.

The class is awaiting your interest to be offered again. Contact to be notified when this course will be offered again.