Zoom Basics Class

We’re doing it again, presenting another workshop on ZOOM. If you have questions, please plan on signing up and joining us. 

If you would like to know more about Zoom, how to use it, what you can use it for, Join Us for this webinar. Did you know you can share PowerPoint, music & video, have small groups in breakout rooms, or polls? Did you know you can register people for classes, or that you can have separate rooms for all your different events and meetings? Many of these features are even available with a free account.

There will be about a 40-minute presentation and the remainder will be Q & A  and “hands on” practice after that.

FACILITATOR: Rev. Jim Starke


COST: $25

WHERE: Online in ZOOM

LENGTH: 90 minutes

Register in advance for this meeting: Sign up below to be notified when the next workshop is planned. If we get enough people signing up, we will schedule a workshop ASAP!

Email me to be notified! Please add “Please notify me of the next Zoom Workshop” somewhere in the email.

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Yes, Spirit wants you to become educated in the use of online tools. 😉